Maple Alps

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Productive Things to do Instead of Netflix

In the last few years, we have truly been convicted about entertainment (especially in the form of movies and television). Not only has it proven to be quite time-consuming, but the things that are coming out have not reflected the kind of life we have been called to and strive to live. A lot of entertainment these days promotes a way of life that goes against the Bible. Lying, cheating, stealing, killing, and so much more sin is glorified in most of it, and the more I decide to live the way Christ calls me to live, the more seeing these things saddens and disgusts me.

If we only have a limited amount of time here on earth, shouldn’t we think more about what we spend time on? The psalmist asks the Lord in Psalm 90:12 to, "teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." The average American spends over 5 hours a day watching television. It goes without saying that the start of online streaming didn’t decrease this time any. Now anyone can stream anything on any device from anywhere! How insane!

I do not want to reach the end of my life and realize I wasted hours of my life on mindless entertainment that does nothing for the good of those around me.

Don’t get me wrong: I am not bashing everything that is recorded or on television. There are certainly things produced that are informative and wholesome. I personally enjoy inspiring true stories. I do not, however, endorse the overuse and the indulgent hours spent in front of a screen - good content or not.

There are so many things to do besides stream hour upon hour of Netflix - something I have absolutely been guilty of. I came up with a list of alternatives, but I am sure you could easily add hundreds of items to it depending on your interests.

In the end, there is one thing I look to when choosing my activities or even the shows I watch. My filter is found in the Bible in Philippians 4:8:

" Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

  • Read a book

  • Take an online course

  • Or a course in person

  • Go outside

  • Take a walk

  • Join a gym

  • Learn a hobby

  • Cook something new

  • Pray

  • Call a friend

  • Write a card or a letter

  • Get Creative

  • Play music

  • Hospitality (invite someone over)

  • Community Service

  • Write or journal

  • Invent a recipe

  • Try a new recipe

  • Make some art

  • Pick flowers

  • Learn how to keep a garden

  • Volunteer

  • Clean your house

  • Ride your bike

  • Study the Bible

  • Drive somewhere new in town

  • Enjoy the outdoors

  • Read Maple Alps ;)

  • Travel somewhere new

  • Spend extra time with family

  • Revisit your budget

  • Learn something new

What kinds of things do you do instead of watching television or streaming Netflix?

See this gallery in the original post