Maple Alps


50 Minimalist Gift Ideas

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

In a world often dominated by consumerism and excess, the allure of minimalism has captured the hearts of many seeking a more straightforward, more intentional way of living. Minimalism isn't just about decluttering physical spaces; it's a mindset that embraces the idea of "less is more" and values experiences, functionality, and the joy of essentials. As we approach special occasions and celebrations, it becomes clear that meaningful gifts that align with this philosophy can be difficult to find. In this blog post, I give a few minimalist gift ideas that can help when gifting to someone who appreciates simplicity, purpose, and thoughtfulness.


  1. Zoo membership

  2. Aquarium membership

  3. Museum passes

  4. Roller rink passes

  5. Spa gift certificate

  6. Gym/Fitness membership/subscription

  7. National Park pass


  1. A dozen cookies

  2. A gorgeous cake

  3. A fresh loaf of bed

  4. Any gourmet food item

  5. Quality tea or coffee

  6. Food or cooking classes

  7. Indoor herb garden


  1. Music Lessons

  2. Airbnb gift certificate

  3. A Photoshoot

  4. An outdoor adventure

  5. iFly experience

  6. Mani-Pedi date

  7. Coffee shop date

  8. Concert tickets

  9. Digital books for e-reader devices

  10. Take them on a picnic

  11. Go to the beach with them

  12. Escape room activity

  13. Movie tickets


  1. Babysitting 

  2. House cleaning

  3. Restaurant gift card

More Gifts from the Heart

  1. Write a poem

  2. Write a song

  3. Write a letter

  4. A personalized playlist or music collection

  5. A donation to their favorite charity in their name


  1. Dwell subscription

  2. Language learning subscription

  3. Meal service subscription

  4. Digital subscriptions to their favorite magazine, etc. 

  5. Streaming service subscription

  6. Audible gift membership

Physical Goods

  1. A digital photo frame

  2. Reusable metal straws

  3. High-quality notebook

  4. Their favorite skincare products

  5. A special book

  6. A personalized calendar

  7. Low-maintenance indoor plants

  8. Quality toiletry items

  9. Scented Candle

The key to gift giving, especially when giving to someone who prefers a minimalistic lifestyle, is to hone in on their interests and give them something they will enjoy rather than something that will clutter their home. Choosing a minimalist gift isn't about limiting options but about embracing the essence of what truly matters. It reflects the care and consideration you put into selecting a gift that aligns with their values and aspirations. Whether it's an enriching experience, a consumable delight, a practical treasure, or a thoughtful subscription, these minimalist gift ideas can leave a lasting impact that resonates deeper. By embracing the beauty of simplicity, you're not just offering a present – you're offering a piece of mindfulness, intention, and genuine connection in a world that often rushes by!

Giving to a minimalist this year? Maybe an aspiring minimalist yourself? Pass on this list to someone you think it will help!


8 Activities to do on a Rainy Day to Relax and Rejuvenate

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

I just love rainy days. I wrote a blog post earlier this month about enjoying rainy days with toddlers, but if you are so lucky to enjoy a cozy day with precipitation without the pitter-patter of toddler feet around you, this one is for you! So, grab your coziest sweater, brew a cup of your favorite tea, and let's explore the enchanting world of rainy-day activities that will warm your heart.

Go Outside! Put on your coziest raincoat and venture into the world outside. Rain-soaked streets and glistening leaves offer a unique charm that's often overlooked. Take a leisurely stroll, breathe in the air, and relish the simple pleasure of being present in the moment.

Craft to Your Heart’s Content. Time to bring out your creative spirit inside! How about finally completing that scrapbooking project you started ages ago or trying your hand at watercolor painting? The pitter-patter of rain on the window can provide the perfect ambiance for nurturing your artistic side.

Culinary Adventures Await. Rainy days and comfort food are a match made in heaven. Whip up a batch of homemade soup, or bake some bread or a decadent cake. The aroma of your kitchen creations will fill the air, spreading warmth and joy throughout your home.

Read and Rejoice. Remember those unread books sitting on your shelf, patiently waiting for their moment to shine? Well, it's their time to shine! Curl up in your favorite reading nook, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, and dive into a captivating story. The gentle sound of rain outside will transport you to new worlds.

Spa Indulgence. Rainy days are a great excuse to slow down and pamper yourself. Fill up your bathtub with aromatic oils, light some scented candles, and treat yourself to a spa day at home. Let the raindrops outside set the soothing rhythm for your relaxation.

Write Your Heart Out. Rain has a way of stirring emotions and inspiring introspection. Grab your journal or open a blank document on your computer, and let your thoughts flow like raindrops. Writing can be incredibly therapeutic, whether it's poetry, a short story, or simply jotting down your feelings.

Movie Marathon Magic. Remember all those classic movies you've been meaning to rewatch? A rainy day is the perfect excuse for a movie marathon. Create a cozy movie-watching corner complete with soft blankets and pillows, pop some popcorn, and lose yourself in a cinematic adventure.

Greenery and Growth. Rain is the lifeblood of nature, and what better time to tend to your indoor plants or start a new gardening project? The rain outside will be a gentle reminder of the nourishment your plants are receiving, and watching them thrive will fill you with a sense of accomplishment.

Isn't it a delightful revelation that a rainy day is not a day to dread but rather a chance to embrace life's gentler side? I believe that each day – sunny or rainy – is an opportunity to savor life's beautiful nuances. So, the next time the heavens bless us with rain, remember that you hold the key to a treasure trove of cozy, creative, and heartwarming experiences. Until then, may your spirits stay high, and your teacups stay warm!

What do you like to do when it’s raining outside?

Embracing Rainy Days with Toddlers: Fun Adventures Indoors (Or Out!)

Parenthood, LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Rainy days might seem challenging when you have little ones running around, but they can also be the perfect opportunity for creating memorable indoor (or outdoor!) adventures. Instead of letting the rain dampen your spirits, why not turn it into a day of cozy bonding and imaginative play? Every day is a chance for a new adventure, rain or shine. 

Crafty Creations 

Rainy days are made for creativity! Gather some art supplies and begin crafting with your little artists. Finger painting, making collages, or even just scribbling with crayons can ignite their imagination and keep them engaged for hours. Plus, you'll end up with some adorable masterpieces to hang on the wall.

Indoor Picnic

Transform your living room into a cozy picnic spot. Lay out a blanket, pack a basket full of toddler-friendly snacks, and have an indoor picnic. Your little ones will love the novelty of eating in a different spot, and you can even throw in some storytelling or sing-along time to make it extra special.

Sensory Play

Sensory play is a fantastic way to engage your children's senses and promote their development. Set up a sensory bin with materials like rice, pasta, or water. Let them explore different textures, shapes, and colors. This hands-on play is not only entertaining but also educational.

Storybook Adventures

Rainy days provide the perfect backdrop for diving into a world of stories. Create a cozy reading corner with pillows and blankets. Choose a stack of their favorite books and let your little ones choose the story they want to hear. You can even add some props or puppets to make the tales come alive!

Dance Party

Turn up the music and have a dance party right in your living room. Toddlers love moving to the beat, and it's a fantastic way to get their energy out while having a blast. Join in on the fun and show off your best dance moves – they'll love seeing you let loose!

Building Forts

Building forts is a classic rainy-day activity that never gets old. Use blankets, pillows, and chairs to create an imaginative hideout. You can have a tea party inside the fort, read stories, or simply have a cozy naptime retreat.

Baking Together

Whipping up a batch of cookies or muffins is a delightful way to spend a rainy afternoon. Let your little ones help with simple tasks like pouring ingredients, stirring, and decorating. The process might get messy, but the memories you create will be priceless.

Puddle Jumping (Indoors!)

Who says you can't go puddle jumping on a rainy day indoors? Lay down towels or a waterproof mat, put on rain boots, and let your kids jump and splash to their heart's content. It's a fun way to enjoy the rainy weather without actually getting wet.

Just Get Outside

Rain doesn’t have to hinder you from going outside! Dress them up warmly and take the littles for a short stroll around the neighborhood or just around the block! Let them play in the puddles, use an umbrella, or put a rain cover on the stroller and watch their amazement as they watch the droplets of water land on it. 

Rainy days don't have to be frustrating when you have littles running around. With some creativity and inspiration, you can turn them into wonderful opportunities for bonding, play, and exploration. Remember, the small moments and imaginative adventures make these days truly special. So, the next time the rain starts to fall, embrace it as a chance to create magical memories with your little ones right in your home. Until next time, stay cozy and keep exploring!

What do you like to do with your little ones when it’s raining outside?


Embracing More Eco-Friendly Parenting: The Marvels and Challenges of Cloth Diapering

Lifestyle, Natural Living, ParenthoodAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Today, we're diving into a topic close to the heart of eco-conscious parents everywhere: cloth diapering. This post has been years in the making. We’ve been cloth diapering for almost two years, with the last eight months with two kiddos in cloth. I thought listing some marvels and honest challenges discovered on the journey would be fun. This is not a review of a specific diaper, just what I’ve found to be the pros and cons of cloth diapering until now. More cloth diapering goodness to come!

The Marvels of Cloth Diapering

Being Eco Friendly: One of the most remarkable aspects of cloth diapering is its positive impact on our planet. Choosing reusable cloth diapers over disposables can help reduce landfill waste and minimize your carbon footprint. Imagine the legacy of a planet filled with happy, healthy babies and clean surroundings!

Adorable Aesthetics: Oh, the sheer cuteness! Cloth diapers come in stunning designs, colors, and patterns, making dressing your little one super fun. Even the wet/dry bags you can get are absolutely adorable, and I love browsing them, even though I’m not ready to purchase any more.

Budget-Friendly: Let's talk numbers. While the initial investment might seem daunting, cloth diapering can save you considerable money in the long run. Those reusable gems can be used for subsequent siblings (I can attest to that!), gifted, or even resold, making them a savvy financial choice for growing families - even if not cloth diapering full-time.

Gentle on Baby's Skin: Cloth diapers are typically made from natural fibers like cotton, bamboo, or hemp, which can be gentler on your baby's delicate skin. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and synthetic materials! This was a huge sell for me - after the saving pennies bit. Reading labels has made me more aware of unnecessary (and often harmful) chemicals used in many products - including diapers.

The Honest Challenges of Cloth Diapering

Laundry: Ah, yes—the daily laundry routine. Cloth diapering requires extra effort in the laundry department - especially if you still have two (or more!) in diapers. Washing, drying, and folding can become integral to your day. Finding the schedule that works best for your family is key. And honestly, diaper laundry has become my favorite lately because it’s become so simple! I should note here that laundry is one of my least favorite chores.

Investment of Time and Effort: Cloth diapering does require more effort than tossing a disposable diaper in the trash. Prepping, changing, and cleaning the diapers take longer, but the environment will thank you for the effort.

Traveling: While cloth diapering at home is a breeze, it can become a tad more complicated when you're on the go. Packing clean diapers, dealing with soiled ones, and ensuring you have the necessary facilities can require some extra planning. Fear not, though—many cloth-diapering parents have mastered the art of travel prep!

Learning Curve: Like any new endeavor, cloth diapering has a learning curve. Figuring out the perfect fit, understanding the various types of cloth diapers, and finding the right absorbency and fit for your baby might take a bit of trial and error. Remember, it's all part of the journey, and you'll soon become a cloth diapering expert.

This eco-friendly parenting choice offers a world of marvels and a few delightful challenges. By embracing the reusable diaper lifestyle, you can positively impact the environment and foster a sense of conscious parenting. Whether you're captivated by the earthy charm of cloth diaper aesthetics or excited about the financial freedom it provides, remember that every diaper change is a small but significant step toward a greener, more sustainable future for your little one. And remember, no one is “locked-in” to cloth diapering! Finding the perfect hybrid situation for you and your family could be the key to small steps in helping the environment, your pocket, and your health!

What are some wonders and challenges you’ve experienced while cloth diapering? Would you be willing to try it out if you haven’t already?


Twenty-Five Things I Don't Buy Anymore

Natural Living, Lifestyle, MoneyAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Over the years, I have simplified many things in our household. We work on having a minimal-ish home where we are content and not overwhelmed with things. We also try hard to eliminate waste, and while we are not at zero-waste, we practice a near-o-waste policy. There are definitely more than 25 items that I do not purchase anymore due to different reasons, but twenty-five seemed like a good number for today’s blog post. Maybe I’ll expand it to fifty or one hundred at some point! The following list of random items I don’t purchase anymore is either due to finding an alternative that works better or is more eco-friendly, it is cheaper not to purchase it, or I have zero use for the item(s).

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In the Bathroom

1 | Makeup

I have my selection of favorite nail polish shades, but other than that, makeup is on the non-purchase list. I stopped buying it years ago, opting for a better skincare routine, and have not looked back. 

Related Post: What Happened When I Quit Makeup

2 | Makeup Wipes

I don’t wear makeup anymore, so I wouldn’t need these anyway. A good facial cleanser, and argon oil (and maybe some reusable cotton rounds) are all one needs to remove makeup, though!

3 | Shaving Cream

Instead, I use the same soap I already use in the shower. I’ve not noticed any difference in the shave since I stopped buying shaving cream, and honestly, it saves me a step in the shower, saves me time, and saves me money (wow, that stuff got expensive when I looked last!). You can always make your own if you feel you can’t live without it. 

4 | Single-Use Feminine Hygiene Products

All for the menstrual cup and period panties! It feels amazing not to throw feminine hygiene in the trash. The only exception is postpartum when cups are not usable.

Related Post: I Switched to a Menstrual Cup. Here’s What Happened.

5 | Hand Soap

Seven years later, I still make my own! It’s so easy and saves on single-use plastic (and money!), not to mention we are better able to avoid fragrances and other harsh ingredients that are commonly found in cheap hand soap. 

In the Office

6 | Wall Calendars

Unnecessary, in my humble opinion. I choose to use a digital calendar (and planner!)

7 + 8 | Pens and Pencils

I have so many of these, especially from conferences and from my teaching days. I’m pretty sure I can go a very, very long time without buying another pen or pencil. So I won’t! I’ll also mention that I’ve transitioned quite a bit to digital planning, so I haven’t used pens and pencils in quite some time. My husband is relieved, I’m sure. 

9 | Physical Books (with a few exceptions)

If I want to read a new physical book, the library is right around the corner from me. Everything else is a digital ebook or audiobook! The only exceptions to purchasing books are books that will be reread or referenced. If we don’t reread it, we pass it on to someone we think will enjoy it. 

10 | Notebooks

Another thing I have an overabundance of from my teaching days. I don’t need to purchase a notebook for a long time, and I’ve honestly been making the switch to digital notebooks, so I don’t think more will be much needed!

In the Kitchen 

11 | Vegetable Broth

Once I started making vegetable broth from collected scraps. I have not looked back. Not only is the price tag worth it, but it also does not take much time to make it - especially when I’m using my Instant Pot. The flavor is richer, and even my husband can tell when the homemade stuff is used. 

12 | Bottled Water

We choose reusable water bottles. And we may have a slight obsession with them - especially glass water bottles (I love this one from Amazon!)! We do have non-glass water bottles that are more practical for activities like camping, hiking, and going to the beach, though.

13 | Sparkling Water

We decided to get a SodaStream (check it out on Amazon here) because I am obsessed with sparkling water. I was tired of all the plastic bottles involved in satisfying my craving, and the SodaStream has been a fantastic tool to have in our kitchen.

14 | Plastic Tupperware

Instead, I reuse glass jars or purchase glass containers. They’re heavy but so worth it, and I’ve had no problems freezing or storing them. It’s gotten to a point where I can tell just by the taste that something was stored in old Tupperware. If you can’t use glass, there are other alternatives, like tin containers, that are great (and light) for activities that aren’t glass-safe! You can always upcycle any current plastic Tupperware you own for all kinds of uses!

In the Closet

15 | Scarves

I used to have an obsession with scarves. Obsession. I had boxes of scarves when I went through them all, and it was becoming a problem! My husband even recently remarked that I constantly wore scarves when we first met and started dating over a decade ago. I finally downsized to a few favorites (and I’m talking, a maximum of three scarves) a few years ago, and I have not purchased a scarf since. It does help that it’s not overly cold in Maryland, but even so, I’ve realized that having just a few in a cold place will do the trick for me.

16 | Disposable lint roller

With a cuddly cat, lint rollers are necessary for us. Reusable lint rollers work great (like this one), are less flimsy, and don’t fill up landfills so quickly.

In the  Supply Closet

17 | Fabric Softener

Aside from the plastic containers that add up from buying it, fabric softener is not good for your clothes. I stick with a sustainable laundry detergent (please, not a homemade one) to keep our laundry clean.

18 | Dryer Sheets

These are essentially fabric softener sheets for the dryer. I have some, but they were gifted, and I’ve never used them! They are not compostable or recyclable, so they need to be disposed of. I’ve also researched and found that they contain potentially harmful chemicals and the fewer chemicals I can have on our bodies, the better. Instead, I use reusable dryer balls made of wool (like these ones). They work well, catch lint, and are compostable. I find that a set lasts me years!

19 + 20 | Disposable Swiffer Duster/Broom 

Instead, I have a washable duster (similar to this) that goes right into the wash when full and I use a normal broom and mop (this is my favorite mop, by the way). A microfiber cloth and cleaning solution also works fantastic for dust. 

21 | Disposable furnace filters

We have a washable furnace filter that we switch out every couple of months (here’s a similar one). It works great, and there are no more trips to the hardware store to buy new disposable ones. 

22 | Scent boosters for the laundry

Why add more chemicals when not necessary? I’m sensitive to perfumy smells, anyway, so this has never been a product for me.

23 + 24 | Plug-ins or Air Fresheners

Again, more unecessary chemicals.

In the Nursery

25 | Disposable cloth diaper liners

I never understood what the point of disposable liners was, though I understand why parents would want to use them! When I found out about reusable fleece liners (I use these), I was here for it. They work great for us!

Are there things you don’t buy anymore? Let me know about it in the comments!