Maple Alps


What Is In My Hospital Bag?

PregnancyAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Every expecting person hears about the hospital bag and making sure it’s packed in advance. There are so many blog posts and videos out there about this necessity, and I definitely took a few days to thoroughly go through plenty of opinion pieces on what is necessary to add and what could be left at home. I decided to share my take on it today since I’ll be heading to the hospital before we know it! [Edit: I had this written out before going to the hospital, but all is said and done by the time I’m hitting publish! Good intentions…]

The first time giving birth to Baby Z, I probably opened my hospital bag twice the whole time I was there. I had expected to be there for much more of labor and planned to stay two nights, however, I ended up laboring at home and was discharged after 36 hours (per my request and after being approved to leave!). I missed my bed and cat and wanted my own shower - I am unashamedly a total homebody. 

Some things I used

  • Phone charger (I definitely recommend one with an extra-long cable! - Grab one from Amazon here)

  • AirPods 

  • Lip Chap

  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Face toiletries

  • Water bottle (I highly recommend one with a straw for easy access! - This one from Amazon is nice)

  • Extra change of clothes to go home in (think loose and comfy!)

  • A self-heating sleep mask - it felt like a total luxury and filtered out some of the light that was in the room. Definitely repeating this item. (This is a similar one to the one I got)

  • Snacks! And coconut water!

  • Going home outfit for baby. A must.

Some things I didn’t use

  • Breast pump (I’ll be taking a Haakaa (best purchase ever!) with me this time around, though, just in case)

  • My pajamas! I honestly didn’t mind the hospital gown much and could barely move anyway, so the thought of putting on my own PJs was dismissed.

  • Socks/Slippers - the hospital provided those. I’ll be bringing some shower shoes this time - and speaking of shower…

  • Shampoo/Conditioner/Body wash - Call me gross, but due to my circumstances, I waited for the second I got home to shower in my own shower. If we had stayed an extra night, I would have showered at the hospital though!

  • Nursing bra - It didn’t even occur to me to wear one until later - even though I had one with me! Will definitely be utilizing it this time around!

  • Any of my laboring things like a diffuser or a birthing ball (I did it all at home). This time, I will be laboring in the hospital, and they provide a ball so I won’t be bringing it.

Some things I wish I had and will be adding 

  • A fan - I felt HOT all day and mostly at night due to all the extra hormones! Seriously gross. A fan would have been great. I bought this one to attach to the stroller in the summer (like this), and I bet one could attach it to a hospital bed, too, so I’m bringing it.

  • A white noise machine - the nurses in and out all night was a drag. I’ll try adding some white noise to the mix this time around (I love this one from Amazon).

  • My kindle - I had so much downtime and a book or kindle would have been really nice to have with me. Definitely bringing my loaded Kindle with me this time (or maybe my iPad with Kindle app)!

Mamas: What things did you have in your hospital bag that were useful - or not? Let me know in the comments!


Some Things We Are Doing to Prepare for Two Under Two

Motherhood, Parenthood, PregnancyAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

It is insane that we are expecting two under two [and a half] in just a few weeks!I just thought I’d pop online and share a few things we’ve been doing to prep for our newest addition - especially since I have no clue when I’ll be picking up the “pen” again, so to say. 

Getting A Routine Under My Belt

As much as possible, I’m trying to get a routine established. Of course, there are times when things don’t work out perfectly, but having morning and evening routines, especially for our toddler, will help with the transition once the new addition comes.  

Buying Extra Baby Gear

After much research, we need to ensure we have some extra essentials before the new baby arrives. We were intentional about the gear we bought with #1; much of what we have can and will be used for many years. We had to decide what to double up on and what to go without purchasing. Here are just a few things we decided to purchase:

Decluttering and Organizing

I spent time organizing clothes and toys. For clothes, I went through them, removed pieces we didn’t need, and noted items we may require according to our season and sizes. For toys, I divided them up into different bins to rotate through. This keeps things organized and keeps things interesting for Baby Z to switch them out every week. I also cleaned and organized the different sizes of cloth diapers and wipes so they are ready to use from the get-go!

Staying Active and Healthy

I’m also preparing physically for two under two. Exercising and staying active is important for preparing for giving birth and recovery. As tough as it is, I’m also trying to remember to drink enough water and eat healthy food (and take my prenatal vitamins!).

Stocking the Freezer and Pantry

I’m sure the first couple of months after having two will be pretty hectic. I am making sure to have healthy staples in the freezer that are easy to warm up or use in recipes - as well as the accompanying ingredients needed that will need to be in the pantry. Favorite snacks and meals for the toddler have also been made and stocked.

I’ve enlisted my mom to help with extra freezer meals while she’s here to help keep us going through the spring. Homemade meals are the best, and I’m looking forward to some of my childhood favorites making their rounds through our meal plan. Maybe I should have my mom guest post some of my favorite recipes sometime! She’s a fantastic vegan cook!

Preparing Our First Baby

Baby Z is still too young to understand that her world will change. Still, we’ve started having my husband do bedtimes and other things so that it won’t be completely foreign once he starts taking over while I’m busy with the newborn. It’s also a great help as the third trimester has me not as mobile with a growing belly!

We are also getting her familiar with those who will be watching her while we are in the hospital, and we will check out some books that have been recommended to us to read to her about having a sibling. Even though she won’t understand, I think adding them to the reading rotation will be a good idea. She’s also been practicing gentle hands with her dolls - adorable. 

Reading Blogs and Asking Friends

I like to envision what life will be like with two under one and a half. Unfortunately, I haven’t found many blogs with an age difference as close as ours, but I have found some helpful information. I’ve also asked some friends about their experiences with close age gaps. Growing up, I always wished I was closer in age to my siblings, so I’m happy about the challenge we are being presented with. It will be challenging, but I’m hoping it will pay off.

Staying Close to Jesus 

I’m clinging to the promise that He will supply me with all I need to make this transition smooth and doable. Only He can help my recovering-perfectionistic self in this new, upcoming season of life, as He has done in all my transitions. 

Do you have any experience with two under two? Or transitioning from one to two in general?


Seven Things That Are Different for Me In Pregnancy Number Two

Pregnancy, MotherhoodAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

I can’t believe I finally get to sit down and reflect on life and how unexpected and crazy it has been. Finding out I was pregnant, less than a year after having our first, was a shock, and now going through pregnancy a second time in a second consecutive year has been quite the experience. It has taken some time to wrap my head around the fact that we will be parents of two under one and a half in just a few weeks. Here are some things that have been different during pregnancy for me this time.

Things that are different for me during pregnancy #2. Sonogram photo, couple on bed

Less Anxiety About Giving Birth

This is a definite positive. Even though I know that every single pregnancy and birth can be drastically different, even for the same person, I have less anxiety surrounding all things labor and delivery. I welcome it because it will mean I’m not pregnant anymore. I think I’m ready never to be pregnant again, but I’ve been told: “never to say never.” 

I Forgot I Was Pregnant At Times

Especially in the beginning, days would go by before I remembered I was pregnant. Taking care of a baby takes up a lot of mental space, and since it’s something I’ve experienced before, I haven’t been obsessively checking apps and seeing what size the baby is now or what could be developing now. Now that I’m in my third trimester, constant kicking is a reminder that another life is growing inside of me - not to mention not being able to fit through tight spaces and the aches and pains.

I’m More Tired

Hauling a heavy baby up and down stairs for naps and diaper changes, plus all the other wrestling I’ve had to do with Baby #1, has more than likely contributed to my fatigue. I was napping more during naptime during the first trimester, but I’m just feeling down and tired - especially now that the third trimester is in full swing.

I Feel More Emotional

My emotions have been all over the place since the beginning. Hormones are strange, and I’ve felt much more emotional since this pregnancy started. They can range from happy to sad to angry, and it’s been a rollercoaster. My poor husband is a saint, truly. 

I’m Less Motivated to Exercise

I still walk most days and try to fit in Pilates or the treadmill when I can, but the motivation to exercise is low. Probably because I’m constantly hauling around a large weight that is our now toddler! The only thing that helps me stay semi-motivated is that I want to be ready for labor and delivery!

I Have Fewer Photos

J insisted on taking a weekly photo when I was pregnant the first time; however, I believe it was not until the third trimester that we took that first pregnancy photo of me. However, we did a maternity photoshoot again to remember the time by. Honestly, I wouldn’t have done anything with the weekly photos had we done them again. But there are hardly any photos of me where I’m visibly pregnant this second time. There are a few weeks left, so perhaps we will still get some in. 

I Have Moments of Excitement About Being a Family of Four

As crazy a thought as it is having two under two and being a family of four, I am looking forward to the amazing moments I know we will have. It will be a chaotic, exhausting, and messy season of life, I’m sure, but I am also certain that there will be happy times too! I’m curious to see what the transition from one to two will look like. 

How different were your subsequent pregnancies? Would love to hear about them below!


Postpartum Essentials for Recovery

Pregnancy, Mama BuysAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Postpartum. Even though I found many resources, I realized no one I knew personally ever talked about this time. Everyone focuses on the baby and its needs when first entering the world, but I had no clue what to expect for myself in that fourth trimester. When it finally came, some aspects surprised me, and some I had mentally prepared for based on the lists of things that one is recommended to have in stock. 

It’s easy to focus on the baby’s needs when first entering the world, but it is equally important to prepare for those first weeks after birth concerning your care. I’ve been thinking back on this time lately as I prepare to welcome our second baby very soon! Here are some things that can help you during your recovery.

Affiliate links are used in this post

For down there

For the Girls

Extras for you

What kinds of things did you find useful in your postpartum recovery?


My Favorite Pregnancy Products

Pregnancy, Mama BuysAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

I know I kind of shocked everyone waiting till about ready to give birth before saying anything on the blog. To be honest, I couldn’t believe it for the longest time, and on top of that, I was recovering from some very stressful things in my life. The thought of shouting this announcement from the mountaintops did not excite me, in fact, it did the opposite. My sweet husband was gracious enough to allow me that privacy for a long time before we let it out on social media. 

All that being said, I really was pregnant the whole time! Today I just want to share some of the things that made [honestly, an easy] pregnancy even easier. 

This post contains affiliate links.

Morning Sickness Lozenges 

These lozenges (affiliate link) really helped me out during my first trimester. I didn’t have just morning sickness. I had all-day sickness and it was horrid. What made it worse was teaching all day with a mask on. I was miserable. These lozenges helped a sister out. 

Boppy Wedge Pillow

This thing was seriously a lifesaver. Sleeping was getting so difficult, and in the summer it was way too hot for me to imagine buying one of those giant pregnancy, or body, pillows. The main reason I opted for this, however, was because we traveled for six weeks over the summer and I needed something small, portable, and still effective. Well, let me tell you: this was worth every penny. And it didn’t even cost that many pennies. I found it on sale, bought it out of desperation for $11 and I’ve loved it since (grab yours on Amazon here)

Maternity Leggings

Since I wear mostly high-waisted pants, I grew out of them pretty quickly. Maternity leggings were the best. I got a pair from Fabletics (here’s $40 off for you!) for walks and Pilates, and a few pairs from Target for in-between. I seriously lived in them. Still do. (This pair from Amazon are comfy too) I preferred the over-the-belly ones because I found that the ones that sit under the belly irritated my skin after a while.

Wireless Bra

Turns out your belly isn’t the only thing that grows when pregnant. During pregnancy, the body is going through so much change, inside and out, and comfort was really necessary for me. I struggled with the mental and physical aspects of all these changes. Anyway, this wireless bra (grab one from Amazon!) was sooo comfortable that I bought a few. And for a few bucks, it was totally worth it. Of course, if you want to save pennies (which I always do), grab this nursing version so you can use them comfortably postpartum too. Of course, things may change again, so it’s up to you.

The Bump App

This app was great. I used a few, but this was my favorite for easy-to-read articles, checklists, and other tools for pregnancy. Tracking the size and having an idea of what I should be doing was great. Maybe I’ll write a separate post about alllllll of the apps and websites I ended up using since there really were quite a few I would check every day. 


Babylist was so helpful. We did not expect to have a baby shower, so I was really just using Babylist to help me stay organized and on top of making sure we had the basics that we needed. It was really helpful that we made a list when friends and family started asking for our registry, though!

Electric Heating Pad/Hot Water Bottle

This was especially helpful when the growing pains or back pains were unbearable. If you use this, of course, be careful and don’t put it directly on your skin! (get yourself one of these from Amazon)

Compression Socks

I thought this was the dumbest thing ever, but compression socks were perfect for me. The summer heat did not help the swelling situation, and compression socks provided relief. They were also fantastic when I was flying - they are perfect for the plane (get these cute ones on Amazon today!) Of course, for swelling, staying hydrated also helped!

Belly Butter

I guess theoretically I knew that my belly skin would stretch, but had no idea practically what that would look like or feel like. It was the strangest to me as I expanded that my belly button no longer existed. Anyway, all the stretching can be physically uncomfortable (think, itchy!). This belly butter really helped with any itchiness and aided with keeping my belly hydrated. That, and a loooot of water. It’s amazing how much more water I had to drink! I’m not saying that this was a miracle butter that prevented me from getting stretch marks, but I was grateful for the relief it provided.  


I’ve loved bio oil for years (get yours here), so it was natural that I would use it during pregnancy (and postpartum) as well. I used this when I wanted something a little lighter feeling than the body butter. 


You may already know that I have kept a journal for almost two decades now, and pregnancy was no exception. It was good to get my feelings out on the page, and I know I will enjoy looking back on the memories!


Any mama friends out there have any favorite pregnancy products? Let me know in the comments!