Maple Alps


Where Has Amanda Been?

BlogAmanda Walter | Maple Alps4 Comments

Since starting Maple Alps in 2015, this is the longest it has gone silent around here! Some of you have been asking where I’ve been and what’s been going on. Now that it’s my Summer Break again, I finally have the time and energy to get back to it. But first some updates.

When J and I moved to MD two years ago, it was a huge shift for both of us. We both started new jobs in different positions. My transition was personally quite difficult. I struggled to keep up with the work and expectations required of me, so the blog went on the back burner. On top of that, my work environment was less than ideal, which exhausted me even more.

Then COVID hit.

A difficult job became even harder, as I transitioned to online teaching. Graduate classes during the summer didn’t leave any time for a break, and in the Fall, I was launched back into the online and hybrid teaching sphere.

This past January, after complete burnout, I decided to finish out the school year, but that I would not return to the classroom the next fall. It was time for a sabbatical. I put my all into finishing the year strong (and on a good note) and took a few months off once the doors were closed for the summer.

So after some much-needed vacation time, I will be back to the blogging world and some new endeavors that you will most definitely be hearing about soon!

Even though I’m not 100% sure what I will be doing now, but one thing is for certain: the silence in my corner of the internet probably won’t be as quiet anymore. God has taught me a lot these past 2 years, and I’m looking forward to sharing some new things with you. I’m feeling my creative juices start to flow again, and I can’t wait to get back into doing the things I love with new energy!


