Maple Alps


Crochet Mood Blanket // Year Long Project

DIYAmanda Walter | Maple Alps11 Comments

I posted a picture of my mood blanket on Instagram a while ago and got a bunch of questions about it. I decided to share what exactly it was, and some photos. Maybe it'll inspire my crocheting (or other craft) readers?

In January of 2017, I finally ended a project that took me just over a year to completely finish.

The task? Every day of the year, I was supposed to crochet a simple solid coloured granny square according to my mood. To crochet a mood blanket. I was inspired by other year-long crochet projects and this one appealed to me. Why? I'm not sure, but I will definitely say that I never realized I had so many moods....I have never considered myself terribly "moody," but hey!

The moods and colours were as follows:

Sad- Sky Blue
Inspired- Soft Grey
Loved/thankful- Scarlet
Happy- Light Teal
Productive/motivated- Damson Purple
Unproductive/unmotivated – dark denim
Frustrated/Annoyed- Medium Rose
Excited- Medium Teal
Exhausted- Dark Rose
Hormonal- Gold
Sick/crampy/crappy- Medium Denim
Relaxed/Content- Cream
Determined- blush pink
Anxious/stressed/nervous/overwhelmed- Buttercup
Not Sure-Dark Teal

I think the most fun of this whole project was picking all of the colours! It was hard to imagine what it would look like since I couldn't exactly predict my mood each day, but as it came together, I liked what I saw! Some of the colours apparently make no sense when you think of the mood, but that is alright. 

Most days I would do multiple squares to either catch up or get ahead of the project. By the end, I was getting as much done as I could. Life happens, but I was pretty good about writing down my mood for each day, even if I wasn't able to crochet a square that day. 

Once I was finished putting it all together, I definitely procrastinated putting the borders on it. Spring crept in, then Summer, and I purposed that it was too hot to actually wrestle with it to add it on. 

I completed the whole thing in January, and my sweet mother-in-law helped me sew in all the ends. Good thing too, because that is probably my least favourite part. I've since learned, and I make sure they're in as I go. 

mood blanket, a fun year-long crochet project! |
mood blanket, a fun year-long crochet project! |

My husband put a ban on more blankets in our house, but I've been whipping up all sorts of projects. I never planned to share my crocheting endeavors on the blog, but since I got such an overwhelming response, maybe I'll start doing so!

In hindsight, I would have probably made the squares a little smaller - the finished project fits over our king sized bed! But at least it's warm? :)


UPDATE: 11/17/17

A Year (or two) in the Making. Mood Blanket and Astra |

It turns out our new kitty, Astra, loves the mood blanket too! When it's draped over my office chair, she uses it as a blanket fort, and when it's folded and about ready to be put away, she delays the process by jumping up and taking a nap. A long nap. Even when it finally gets put away, she'll hop on top and watch the world around her. We've found out that this kitten loves knits as much as her fleece!

A Year (or two) in the Making. Mood Blanket and Astra |
A Year (or two) in the Making. Mood Blanket and Astra |

She's so stinking cute though!


Do you crochet or craft? I'd love to see and hear about your projects, too!


On Comparing Yourself to Others

FaithAmanda Walter | Maple Alps5 Comments

Is it just me who has struggled with comparing myself to other people? I used to catch myself feeling sorry for myself when thinking about others people, or seeing their lives flash before me on social media channels. It used to consume me. I moped around in a constant pity party not seeing any value or worth in who I was and it affected every area of my life. I did not realize that comparison for me was truly just another word for envy and idolization.

I am sometimes tempted to think less of myself and watch and romanticize and covet the lives of those around me. The other extreme of comparison can lead to self-righteousness; thinking we are better than others. When I do catch myself, I find that doing the following tips help me quickly get back on track. 

Look to Jesus

The only true comparison we should care about is our comparison to Jesus. We are called to be like Him, so why do we bother looking at anyone else? As one of my favourite hymns goes, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus...and the things of earth will go strangely dim…”. To be like Christ, we must look at Christ.I could honestly end my post here because this is the key, but I will go on and share some more practical points...


Find Inspiration

Choose to be inspired by the stories of others. I have personally been inspired by those who have complete, sold-out lives for the Lord and who make a difference in others’ lives - including my own. 


Count Your Blessings, be Thankful & Choose to be Content

Count your own blessings and recognize what God has done in your life. I guarantee that if you look back, you can see His leading. Remember His leading in the past, and trust He will lead you now if you continue to surrender yourself to Him. Be thankful, and you will have a hard time complaining. 

Embrace Yourself

We are all individual beings with quirks and personalities that are unique to us. It’s unfair to compare our individuality with someone else’s.


"Compare" Yourself To Yourself

Challenge yourself in the areas you want to improve! Chances are, you already have! I have kept a journal for years, and once in a while I'll go back and read entries and see how much I've changed and grown. I'll pour over the stories of challenges I've overcome and am encouraged. 

 "But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbour. For each will have to bear his own load." Galatians 6:4-5


Steer Away from Social Media

Let’s talk frankly for a second. While “Keeping up with the Joneses” has always been a thing, social media has increased our awareness of what everyone is doing. But here’s a secret: most people just post the best versions of themselves. I was talking to a friend who was recently on a trip. I was telling her how fun her trip looked based on the photos and such she was posting. She looked at me blankly and said, “I actually had a terrible time. I only posted the fun-looking stuff to make it seem like I was having a blast. Social media only sees the best parts, not the real story.”

I have since decided to stop scrolling excessively (or obsessively) through social media because every time I do, I'm tempted to want the lives I see through my computer or phone even though reality may not be portrayed.


Remember that Photoshop Exists

If you, like a lot of people on this planet, struggle with comparing yourself not only to the lives of your friends, but to the images plastered on billboards, in magazines, and the stars who lead seemingly perfect lives, remember that most of the time, these things are far from reality. For years we have been trying to reach impossible beauty and lifestyle standards - all in vain. Remember that we are all unique and that the images that are thrown at us at every side are often made to appear better than they truly are.


Move On - You’re Wasting Time

You only have so much time in a day! Why waste even a minute loathing in self-pity and wallowing in sadness as a result of comparing yourself with others?


Be Happy for People

Genuinely rejoice for others’ successes and blessings. This will make it hard for you to be resentful towards them for something you cannot help. 


Read the Scriptures

Read God's Word! There are so many promises and verses that tell us how precious we are to God. Among those is one of my favorites that reminds that while men look at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart.



Do you struggle with comparing yourself to others? What helps you? Let me know below in the comments!