Maple Alps

Enjoy Each Moment: Practical Ways to Slow Down Today

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps5 Comments

It is no news that we live in a fast-paced world. I, for one, feel most days that I am constantly running around trying to catch something - even though I’m not always sure what that something is. I know that I personally have to stop sometimes and consciously slow down. When I do, I remember that there really is no rush - as much as I often make myself believe. I mean, I have written on cultivating a slower and simpler life before, so it definitely is on my mind. Here are some ways that you can slow down today, and just be.

Enjoy Each Moment: Practical Ways to Slow Down Today |

Do Less

It is okay to say, “no” to things. It is perfectly fine to have less on your plate. There is no rule that says you have to be involved in everything at all times. Try to avoid filling your plate with activities and responsibilities that cause you stress and do not require your attention. Take time to sit and breathe. Just, do less.

Be Present

Give the attention to loved ones that they deserve. Put devices away (turn off those notifications too!) and spend quality time with others. Be there to listen, really listen, and ask questions. Be aware of yourself; your breathing, your bones. Don’t dwell in the past. Be, present.

Related: How to Cultivate a Slower and Simpler Life

One Task at a Time

Avoid multitasking (since it’s been proven a myth anyway) and give your all to a single task at a time. You may find that you finish tasks quicker and more efficiently this way, which will give you another bout of contented feelings.


I mentioned this already, but don’t be afraid to put your devices away for some time. Be conscious about taking space away from the world you keep in your pocket. Our phones and computers connect us to so much, but it’s good to take some time away from that.

Be in Nature

Being in nature is such a great way to slow down and enjoy some peace. I personally love being near water and listening to it in all forms - waves on a shore, pounding from a waterfall, rushing name it. You may prefer being in the woods listening to the trees sway and hearing their occupants singing songs. I know people who love the desert. Whatever your preference, take some time in nature, taking in the wondrous sights and sounds.

Practice Gratitude

Be conscious of the things you are grateful for every day - not just once a year on Thanksgiving. The more you practice gratitude, the more natural it will become, and the more content you will feel.

Eat Slower

Oh, eating slow. It seems as though our culture often makes us rush everything, including the time we take to nourish and rest ourselves. I have often thought to myself, “oh, if only I didn’t need to eat - I could accomplish so much!” Resist the temptation, however, to rush your eating. Not only will your stomach thank you, you will enjoy food that much more. Take the time to enjoy the scents and flavours of your meals. Enjoy those you share your meal with. 

Related: Gathering with Intention and Simplicity

Drive Slower

This may sound like a weird one, but I find that when I drive slower (by slower, I mean not speeding, ahem), I feel so great! Hear me out - I did it once and felt amazing and so I’ve been testing it often. And lo and behold - I feel more relaxed behind the wheel. I feel more alert of what’s around me (I do try to avoid accidents when I can). I enjoy the scenery and appreciate different me. Try it. Your slow life will thank you.

Focus on Others

I believe that we were created for relationships. When we take the focus off ourselves and focus on others and meeting their needs, a wonderful phenomenon happens. We feel happy and content and joyful. I’m not talking about neglecting your needs, however; we can’t help others when we are lacking. See what happens when you consciously focus on doing something (even something small) for someone else. You might forget that you weren’t feeling so great.


Our lungs do amazing things for our bodies. The oxygen we take in is required for our bodies to function. Afterall, we can’t live long without air in comparison to even food and water! If you are feeling stressed, take some time to take a few deep breaths. If you can’t sleep, breathe deeply. Take time to breathe consciously.

Take Time to Pray

Praying and meditating on Scripture does wonders for the slow life. I personally like doing it early in the morning to set the tone in my day, but you can take time whenever you like.

How do you take time to slow down every day?