Maple Alps


5 Steps to Simplify Your Closet

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps4 Comments

I used to be overwhelmed with the amount of clothing I owned and I didn't even know it. When I moved away from home and found that living out of two suitcases was actually possible, it changed my life - especially when it came to my wardrobe.

Simplifying my closet has been a lifelong project for me, but for you, it doesn’t have to be. It took me years to let go of the clothing that didn’t flatter me or make me feel good (and to realize that, hey, I don’t actually need to keep it just because I bought it!). I am finally at the point where I can see every single article of clothing at any given time, and I know exactly what I own, and know that everything I have fits me well and suits me.

Today, I want to share with you a basic guide to help you begin with your clothing purging process.

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5 Steps to Simplifying Your Closet |


Step One: Prepare to Purge

It is important to prepare before starting the great purge. Gather some boxes, bins or garbage bags and label them: Sell, Donate, Throw Away (a garbage bag works well for this particular category).

Keep these things in mind as you begin, so you know exactly what bin/bag each article of clothing should go into 

  1. Sell newer (or unworn!) clothing in good condition (think ThredUP or other consignment stores in your area)

  2. Donate older clothing in good condition (Goodwill, Salvation Army, friends, etc.)

  3. Throw away anything that is beyond repair

Do not hesitate to get rid of items that you feel you might need in the future for a special event like a themed party, etc. Remember that you can always borrow from a friend when something comes up, or even get creative with what you already own or check a second hand store.

Step Two: Remove Everything From Your Closet

Yes, you read that right. Every. Last. Item. Pile them on top of your [made] bed and get ready to go through each and every single item. You must handle every single article of clothing.

Declutter Guide Download.png

Step Three: Begin

Be honest about your clothing - Get rid of everything that doesn't fit, is worn out or beyond repair, things that you don't love wearing, items that you haven't worn for a year (or years!), and most importantly, anything that does not bring you joy. Consider your current personal style (which has likely changed if you haven’t done this in a while) and decide whether your current articles of clothing reflect it. If you don’t look good in it or don’t feel good in it, do not bother keeping it.

Accessories, shoes and scarves too! - Let go of accessories that no longer fit your personal style or are no longer usable (i.e. have holes, rips, etc.). Don’t forget that handbags and wallets  fall under this category too, so avoid neglecting your collection! Make sure all zippers are working and there are no worn holes or other broken parts.

Critique your sock drawer - It's time to let go of the socks that have no partner and the underwear with, gasp, holes! Anything with worn out elastics should be purged as well. Don’t forget to think about hosiery - anything with runs or that no longer fits right needs to go! 

Remove things that shouldn't be in your closet at all! - Your closet is not a catch all for everything that doesn’t fit under your bed (not that you should have things under your bed either…). Make sure your closet is a safe home for your precious clothing and accessories.

Related: My Favorite Organizational Products

Step Four: Return Items to the Closet

After your diligent sorting, it is time to return your items to the closet. There are so many different ways to organize, but one way I like is having longer hanging items on the left and shorter to the right. It creates a nice draw for the eyes and is easy to get to what you’re looking for. I also sort by tones - dark to light. I personally do not think there is one right way to organize, but make sure that you can see every article of clothing in your closet. Out of sight, out of mind, really is applicable to wardrobes. What also helps? Using pretty hangers! I love wooden ones, like these ones from Amazon.

Step Five: Sit back and admire your work

Enjoy a tall, cold glass of lemonade or water too. You deserve it. Good job!



It's amazing what kind of relief fills your heart when you open the doors to a simplified closet. Why don't you take a chance and try it out?


So You Want to be More Minimalistic

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps3 Comments

Minimalism is something I’ve been working at for a few years now. I feel that I’ve always had some kind of craving to have less and to be surrounded and burdened by less. Even when I was much younger, I enjoyed throwing things out and organizing things, but it got to the point where I would get rid of things, but then accumulate more. It got harder and harder to let go of things. As I’ve mentioned in other posts before, it took going abroad for me to realize that I really don’t need stuff. I was perfectly content and well cared for with only 2 suitcases worth of things, and even then I didn’t use every item. Just over a year ago, I finished reading the life-changing magic of tidying up - and it was truly life-changing (I talked about it here). It got me re-energized to declutter and reclaim a full life - which was ironically not full of things!

It came down to choosing what brought me joy. I’ve had several requests to talk about some minimalist living tips, and so I’m sharing the steps that helped me!

So You Want to be More Minimalistic |


Envision Your Minimalist Life

Why do you want to live a more minimalistic life? What does your minimalist lifestyle look for you? What do you want to do in your everyday life? Write it down and consider it your “why.” Here are some ideas:

  • I will come home to a tidy home so that I have time to relax after work and pursue creative hobbies.

  • I will enjoy a bubble bath in the middle of the week just because.

  • I won't trip over things on the floor anymore.

  • I won't spend hours each weekend cleaning.

  • I will have a clear mind that is a result of a clear living space.

  • I will not be tied to materialistic things.

Write your list. Remember these things as you go through your next steps:


Say Goodbye to Your Unnecessary Things

My ultimate decluttering guide will help you best with this. I will direct you there rather than write it all out again. It’s important to let go of stuff that is just stuff. Keep what really brings you joy. The guide goes through all the areas of your house and just helps you get an idea of what you really should simplify. Find it here.



Quality over Quantity

Even though we are finished (for now) with school, my husband and I still have this poor student mentality. At the beginning, we would always choose what we perceived to be more affordable, just to find that later it would fall apart, or we just really didn’t like it. Seriously, never buy a bookshelf from Walmart. Haha. In the end, it was cheaper to choose the quality items we enjoyed right off the bat. It eliminated buying multiples as well. Quality will last and is worth the initial higher cost.


Choose to keep items that bring you joy!


Realize the fragility of Life

I know this sounds extremely morbid, but you will probably die someday. Do you really want to spend your days unhappy and surrounded by things that bring your life no joy? I sure don’t. I also don’t want to leave my junk for my children to clean up. I would rather leave a legacy of time they spent with me rather than the things I had.



Don’t Try to Do it All At Once

Step-by-step, friends! The decluttering process alone can take up to 6 months. You’ll get there if you keep at your convictions and chip away bit by bit.


Be Mindful

Think about the value that each of your curated items brings to you. This goes for everything from the physical things you can touch, to the apps on your phone and the emails you sscribe to. Everything should have a purpose and add to your experience. in some capacity. Of course, there will be things you have to keep that aren't necessarily too exciting, but reduce what you can.


Some Other Things to Consider Simplifying:


What are some of the ways you embrace a more minimalistic lifestyle?


Women of Intention Week Ten: Simple Living

Women of IntentionAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Welcome to week ten of the series, Women of Intention! We are just over halfway through and Maple Alps will continue to feature a woman every week who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. So glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

How does living simply tie into intentional living? #WomenOfIntention16 #MapleAlps


Today, we are going to meet Stefanie of Simple Acres, an inspiring blog full of natural health, farming,home decor, art and humour!

Today, Stefanie will be talking to us about simple living and how it has benefitted her and her family.

After reading this post, be sure to check out Stefanie's blog and share this post :)

Find Stefanie on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Tell us a bit about yourself: What are you passions, work and interests?

My name is Stefanie. I am a very passionate person. I'm a mom of three, wife to my high school sweetheart, Registered Dietitian and entrepreneur . I'm passionate about my family first. Secondly, I find value in helping people find quality of life and success through self care and simple living.


What would you say simple living is and how does it tie into your intentional living?

Simple living is deeper to me than how to up cycle an old spoon or make an affordable yummy meal...simple living is leaning into that inner voice that guides your life to truth, joy and purpose. At Simple Acres I DO offer simple ways to be creative and nourish yourself and family but I also write about being present, intentional and grateful in life.

How can one adapt a simple lifestyle - what does it practically look like, and how can it be of benefit?

First off I believe to simplify lifestyle requires perspective. Perspective of what truly matters in the grand scheme of life. To me relationship is the most important thing we have as well as the memories we create with the people we love. With that perspective it makes reducing the excess is life easier, whether it is too many things that stress us out or steal our time or over commitment that robs our joy in the present.


On your blog, you talk about country living being in your blood. How has nature played a role in this lifestyle of yours? Do you think things would be different if you lived or grew up or lived in the city?

I was born in Wyoming. I have endless memories of fishing with my parents and being in the mountains hiking and viewing animals. Those type of memories stick with me. They created a sense of oneness with nature and ultimately a connection with the Creator Himself. No matter where I am I definitely crave open space and nature because that is where I feel the best in life. I grew up later in life in the city so id say for me it's the first foundation of life that created who I feel I am related to nature. This is what inspires me to raise my kids on a farm setting.

What would you say to encourage someone who wishes to live simply but is having a hard time?

First I'd like to say, I feel your struggle as I do to. Simple living and the mindset of focusing on less to ultimately have more (peace, joy and presence)is a learning journey I am on as well. I would say take it one day at a time, reflect on gratitude and SAVOUR the moment you are in! Every aspect of life offers joy from a delicious meal with a friend to the kiss of your sweet child. The details in life like organizing, spending, decorating, cooking...whatever you feel the need to simplify start in one area of your life at a time... It's a journey worth being patient with yourself with. 

What about you? What helps you be intentional in your life? What do you think about simple living? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, and connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)


Women of Intention Week Seven: Simplici-tea

Women of IntentionAmanda Walter | Maple Alps1 Comment

Welcome to week 7 of the series, Women of Intention! We are about halfway through! Maple Alps will continue to feature a woman every week who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. So glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

Do you live a simple and intentional life? Read how one woman does! Women of Intention Week 7 #WomenOfIntention16

Women of Intention Week 7


Today, we are going to meet Lu Ann of, The Cup of Life

Lu Ann is a true tea enthusiast, and whenever I visit her fantastic blog, I get thirsty! Today, Lu Ann will talk to us about the role of tea in her life, and intentionally living simple lives. I don't mean to give a spoiler, but she has some great things to say. Why don't you grab a cup of tea and join us?

After reading this, don't forget to check out Lu Ann's blog, and share this post! :) 

Find Lu Ann on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Tell Us A Bit About Yourself: What are your passions, work and interests?

Hi! I’m Lu Ann and I’m a tea enthusiast and writer based in Ontario, Canada. That being said, tea is my biggest passion, work and interest. I love being able to help others see that there are many ways to enjoy tea (it’s not just for drinking!). When I’m not writing about tea or drinking it, I’m finding the many ways I can incorporate it into my life through tea infused recipes, DIY, and more.


You blog about all things tea. Where did this love of tea come from?

When I was seven years old I finally got my first sip of tea. While I don’t remember the tea exactly I recall it came from a wooden box and was strawberry flavoured. It was love at first sip. What made me enjoy it so much wasn’t just for the beverage but also for the company - my mother and sister. Tea for me has always been viewed as the best way to bring people together. When I started my tea blog is was more of a place to share my creative writing with a cup of tea by my side. I later had the great opportunity to join the wonderful tea community and my blog began to become so much more on the world’s most popular beverage, tea. 

What would you say simplicity is and how does it tie into your intentional living?

The easiest way for me to describe what is simplicity is to compare it to a cup of tea. I find tea is one of the things that help me focus on more natural aspects in life and live according to my values. While there are many fun and cool tea products that can “help” you make the best possible tea the thing we need to remember is that you really only need a bowl, water and tea leaves to experience something wonderful. You don’t actually need that tea timer, the newest kettle, or even that frother for cafe quality tea lattes at home. Sometimes aesthetics are nice but can take away from the true meaning of tea. Like life, simple is always best.

What would you say to encourage someone who is struggling with living with intentionality?

Try your best to bring it into your life slowly. Small steps are key. Start by being more aware of those around you and your actions. Everything you do should be done mindfully. If you need guidance, before your next action, simply ask yourself “Why am I about to do this?” Oh, and also make yourself a cup of tea!

What about you? What helps you approach simplicity and intentionality in life? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, and connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)


Preparing to Declutter and Deep Clean

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps46 Comments

I love Spring. Even more than Spring itself, I love Spring Cleaning. Call me strange, but I do. It has been a long Winter, and things have been accumulating, but over the last couple of weeks, I have successfully managed to declutter even more to make way for my spring cleaning day. 

Spring is just around the corner, and I thought it would be appropriate to share some decluttering tips to help you get ready for your Spring cleaning! There are no rules when it comes to decluttering, in my opinion. I do, however, believe in guidelines. I've outlined three ways to begin preparing for your simplifying process below. Later this week, we'll get to the actual decluttering.

Preparing to Declutter |

Set Goals

Decide what you want to accomplish for each area. This is completely up to you. It helps if you write down your goals and share them with someone else to keep you accountable. 


Commit & Be Thorough 

This will take time. Decide on how much time you will commit to each project/room. Follow through and don't continue or move on until you have finished.


Create a System

Decide whether you will sell, donate, or throw away the things you collect. Be sure to have garbage bags or boxes handy for each category. Some categories you could use are:

  • Keep

  • Donate/Give Away

  • Sell

  • Throw Away

  • Sentimental Value

  • Put Away

  • Repurpose

Feel free to pin the image below!

Decluttering Steps

Later this week, once you complete these steps, I will be back with more practical tips for decluttering every room in your house! Don't you just love simplifying?

Update: You can now find the Ultimate Guide for Your Springtime Simplifying HERE!

Spring Simplifying