Maple Alps


Traveling with Two Under Two: Tips and Tricks for Stress-Free Family Travel

Parenthood, TravelAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Traveling is a rewarding and enriching experience that opens up a world of discovery and learning for both adults and young ones alike. But what happens when you're planning a trip with not one but two little adventurers under the age of two? Fear not, wanderlust-filled parents, for we've got your back! I never thought traveling would end when we had kids, but I also never imagined how overwhelming it could be - and how fun! We traveled a lot when Baby Z was little, but how we traveled changed a bit once we added Baby E to the mix. Today, I’ll share some invaluable tips and tricks to make your family travel with two under two smooth and enjoyable.

Embrace the Art of Packing

Packing is an art, especially when it involves two tiny humans with their own mini-wardrobes and necessities. Opt for versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched, and don't forget those adorable onesies that are as practical as they are cute. Roll up outfits to save space and use packing cubes to keep items organized (this way, your partner can jump in to help without wondering where things are too). Also, remember that many destinations have stores where you can pick up last-minute essentials, so resist the urge to pack the entire nursery! The good thing is that baby clothes don’t take up a ton of space, so you can feel prepared without taking up too much extra luggage room.

Prioritize Comfort in Accommodation

Choosing the right accommodation can make all the difference. Look for family-friendly options with amenities like kitchenettes, separate sleeping areas, and cribs. An Airbnb or vacation rental might provide the comforts of home while allowing your little ones to nap and sleep peacefully.

Plan Around Their Schedule

Traveling with two under two means you're working around nap times and feeding schedules. Consider booking flights or planning activities during their natural downtime to minimize meltdowns and maximize enjoyment for everyone. It may be a pain, but it will pay off.

Bring a Piece of Home

Familiarity can soothe even the youngest of travelers. Pack a few of their favorite toys, blankets, or bedtime books to create a sense of home wherever you go. These cherished items can provide comfort during unfamiliar moments.

Pack a First Aid Kit and Essentials

Little ones are prone to minor scrapes, bruises, and tummy troubles. Don't leave home without a well-stocked first aid kit containing essentials like band-aids, baby pain reliever, and any prescribed medications. It's also wise to have a supply of diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes readily available for unexpected mishaps.

Use Lightweight Travel Gear

Invest in lightweight, compact travel gear that caters to the needs of your family. A lightweight stroller that's easy to fold and maneuver can be a lifesaver during sightseeing adventures (we LOVE this one that fits in the overhead bin in the plane). Baby carriers can also be a great hands-free option for exploring more rugged terrain.

Related: Must-Have Travel Gear for Babies

Capture the Moments

Time flies, and little ones grow up faster than we'd like. Make sure to capture the special moments of your journey through photographs and videos. These memories will become cherished treasures as your children grow older.

Stay Flexible and Patient

While meticulous planning is essential, flexibility is key when traveling with young children. Plans might change, and routines might be disrupted, and that's okay. Approach each day with patience and a positive attitude, and you'll create lasting memories for your family. And don’t try to cram your itinerary with activities. Choose one or two - you’ll have more fun without the stress of getting to the next thing.

Traveling with two under two might sound like a daunting adventure, but with the right approach and a dash of preparation, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. By embracing the art of packing, prioritizing comfort, planning around schedules, and staying patient, you'll create cherished memories and instill a love for exploration in your little ones from an early age!

Survival Guide: Parenting Two Under One and a Half

Parenthood, MotherhoodAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Parenting is a crazy journey filled with joy, challenges, and unexpected twists. Life can get quite hectic when you find yourself with two little ones under one and a half years old like we have. Balancing the needs of a toddler and a newborn requires patience, creativity, and a touch of organization. When I found out we were expecting a new addition, I scoured the internet for some tips and asked everyone with two under two for their best tips. If you're navigating this incredible journey along with us, here are some of the best things that can help you thrive:

Embrace Routine, but Be Flexible

Establishing a routine can be a lifesaver when managing two young children. However, it's important to remain adaptable. Babies and toddlers have a knack for throwing curveballs. If your well-thought-out schedule suddenly goes out the window, don't stress. Flexibility will be your greatest asset.

Sync Naptimes

Try to coordinate nap schedules as much as possible. Don’t roll your eyes just yet - it can be possible! When both children are napping at the same time, you'll have a moment to recharge, catch your breath, or even steal a nap yourself. If their naps only overlap for a while it's also a great opportunity for one-on-one time with each child.

Create a Safe Space

Designate a safe play area where both kids can explore without constant supervision. This will allow you to tend to one child's needs while keeping the other entertained and secure. This is especially helpful for feedings and diaper changes.

Involve Your Toddler

Engage your older child in caregiving tasks. It will take some practice, but they can hand you wipes, hold the diaper, or even sing to the baby. Involving them makes them feel important and helps nurture a sense of responsibility and sibling bonding.

Simplify Meals

Cooking elaborate meals might be a challenge with two little ones demanding your attention. Simplify meal prep by opting for quick, nutritious options. One-pot dishes, instant pot meals, pre-cut fruits and veggies, and make-ahead meals will be your allies. I love to fill my freezer with toddler favorites that I can whip out quickly. 



Invest in a quality baby carrier (I use this Solly Wrap and this Ergo carrier). Wearing your younger child allows you to keep them close while having your hands free to attend to your older one. It's a win-win for both your children and your sanity.

Connect with Jesus

Take time to pray and connect with Jesus. It could look like a quick breathed-out prayer, or maybe you find the time for longer times of communion. Don’t feel guilty if it’s the former - Jesus loves to hear from you and will supply you with the strength you need!

Ask for Help

Don't hesitate to lean on friends, family, or a support network. Whether it's getting a hand with house chores, having someone watch the kids while you take a breather (or fold some laundry), or simply offering a listening ear, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you struggle with figuring out what you need help with, make a list and see what you can outsource when others offer you help.

Carve Out Me-Time

Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. Schedule moments for self-care, even if it's just a few minutes to read, take a bath, or enjoy a hot cup of tea. Taking care of yourself is essential to being your best parent.

Cherish the Moments

Amid the chaos, don't forget to relish the precious moments. Those sweet sibling interactions, the toothless grins, and the heartwarming laughter – these are the memories that will make the challenging times worthwhile.

Parenting two children under one and a half is a unique adventure that will test your patience, resilience, and multitasking skills. Remember that it's okay to have tough days and moments of doubt. You're doing an incredible job, and as your children grow, you'll see the beautiful bond forming between them – a bond that will undoubtedly fill your heart with joy and pride. So take a deep breath, embrace the journey, and know that you're not alone in this incredible adventure called parenthood.

Are you parenting two under two? What are your best tips for sanity?

Some Things We Are Doing to Prepare for Two Under Two

Motherhood, Parenthood, PregnancyAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

It is insane that we are expecting two under two [and a half] in just a few weeks!I just thought I’d pop online and share a few things we’ve been doing to prep for our newest addition - especially since I have no clue when I’ll be picking up the “pen” again, so to say. 

Getting A Routine Under My Belt

As much as possible, I’m trying to get a routine established. Of course, there are times when things don’t work out perfectly, but having morning and evening routines, especially for our toddler, will help with the transition once the new addition comes.  

Buying Extra Baby Gear

After much research, we need to ensure we have some extra essentials before the new baby arrives. We were intentional about the gear we bought with #1; much of what we have can and will be used for many years. We had to decide what to double up on and what to go without purchasing. Here are just a few things we decided to purchase:

Decluttering and Organizing

I spent time organizing clothes and toys. For clothes, I went through them, removed pieces we didn’t need, and noted items we may require according to our season and sizes. For toys, I divided them up into different bins to rotate through. This keeps things organized and keeps things interesting for Baby Z to switch them out every week. I also cleaned and organized the different sizes of cloth diapers and wipes so they are ready to use from the get-go!

Staying Active and Healthy

I’m also preparing physically for two under two. Exercising and staying active is important for preparing for giving birth and recovery. As tough as it is, I’m also trying to remember to drink enough water and eat healthy food (and take my prenatal vitamins!).

Stocking the Freezer and Pantry

I’m sure the first couple of months after having two will be pretty hectic. I am making sure to have healthy staples in the freezer that are easy to warm up or use in recipes - as well as the accompanying ingredients needed that will need to be in the pantry. Favorite snacks and meals for the toddler have also been made and stocked.

I’ve enlisted my mom to help with extra freezer meals while she’s here to help keep us going through the spring. Homemade meals are the best, and I’m looking forward to some of my childhood favorites making their rounds through our meal plan. Maybe I should have my mom guest post some of my favorite recipes sometime! She’s a fantastic vegan cook!

Preparing Our First Baby

Baby Z is still too young to understand that her world will change. Still, we’ve started having my husband do bedtimes and other things so that it won’t be completely foreign once he starts taking over while I’m busy with the newborn. It’s also a great help as the third trimester has me not as mobile with a growing belly!

We are also getting her familiar with those who will be watching her while we are in the hospital, and we will check out some books that have been recommended to us to read to her about having a sibling. Even though she won’t understand, I think adding them to the reading rotation will be a good idea. She’s also been practicing gentle hands with her dolls - adorable. 

Reading Blogs and Asking Friends

I like to envision what life will be like with two under one and a half. Unfortunately, I haven’t found many blogs with an age difference as close as ours, but I have found some helpful information. I’ve also asked some friends about their experiences with close age gaps. Growing up, I always wished I was closer in age to my siblings, so I’m happy about the challenge we are being presented with. It will be challenging, but I’m hoping it will pay off.

Staying Close to Jesus 

I’m clinging to the promise that He will supply me with all I need to make this transition smooth and doable. Only He can help my recovering-perfectionistic self in this new, upcoming season of life, as He has done in all my transitions. 

Do you have any experience with two under two? Or transitioning from one to two in general?


Five Things A Year of Motherhood Has Taught Me

Motherhood, ParenthoodAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

I can’t believe that I have officially held the title of “Mother” for a year already. The past twelve months have flown by, and I can’t tell where the time has gone! Our little squishy-faced newborn has turned into a happy toddler with a big personality. Such a joy to watch her grow and learn and become a part of our family. Reflecting on this huge milestone, here are five things (there really are more!) I’ve learned in a year of parenthood.

Practice True Self-lessness and Serve with Joy

The reality of my life right now is that my needs do come second. They’re eventually met, but in a lot of cases, there are the needs of others that are more urgent. Not to say I never shower or eat, but it does happen, heh. 

Serving with joy, I suppose, goes along with self-lessness in some ways. It’s easy to grudgingly do things or take notice that I do carry a large burden of the day-to-day things that go on in the home. When I remember that it is a privilege to serve my family in the way I do, it brings me joy.

Take Time for Wonder

Watching my baby girl take in the world for the first time is inspiring. It was so fitting that my word of the year was “wonder” during this time. I’ve been able to slow down and appreciate how amazing things could be the first time it is experienced. From the first time having sand touch my toes, hearing the ocean, seeing all of the animals in the woods to tasting new flavors and experiencing new textures, all of these things can bring wonder. This wonder, of course, has pointed me to the Creator. His love is new and fresh every morning, and all of the wonderful blessings He bestows and continues to give are cause for wonder. 

Lean on the Everlasting Arms

I’m helpless without help from above. There have been countless times, okay, all of the time, where there is just no way I feel I can go on. Between sleepless nights and frustrating milestone days, motherhood can be completely exhausting. I find that on the days I spend time with my Creator in prayer and Bible study, things go smoother, or at least my heart is much more at peace. I need to intentionally lean on the arms of Jesus to get through with patience and love.


Enjoy the Current Season

People constantly comment, “Oh, just wait until [insert milestone here],” and I’m tired of it. While there are certain aspects of parenthood I do look forward to, I don’t want them to detract from the current season we are in. It happens all the time: we look back at a past season wistfully and wish we could have lived in it more fully. Well, I am choosing to live more fully in these moments. I won’t always get the cuddles and excited smiles. I’m sure I’ll miss having naptime one day too. Having one vs. two will also be something else. There is a time for everything. 

Taking Care of Myself is Important too

Getting enough sleep and getting healthy food is important, but so is taking care of my emotional needs. I have found that getting out of the house by myself at least an hour or two a week - not to run errands, but to just be alone - has been really necessary for staying sane. It could be as simple as taking a walk with an audiobook, or taking myself (or a friend, if one is available!) out on a Starbucks date. When I take the time to feel my best and recharge my introvert self, I can also give my best to my family.