Maple Alps


Women of Intention Week Fourteen: Intentional Health

Women of Intention, HealthAmanda Walter | Maple Alps3 Comments

It is now week fourteen of the series, Women of Intention! This is the second last post and I'm so very glad you've come along as we interview Women of Intention! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE. 

Women of Intention Week Fourteen; Intentional Health |


Today, we are going to meet the sweet Keila of Veggie-Fit Keila!

Keila is a health and fitness coach with a passion for sharing her lifestyle with others in order to help them better their lives. I won't say too much because I would rather let her tell you herself!

After reading this post, be sure to check out Kelia's blog and share this post :)

Find Keila on FacebookInstagram and Pinterest.

Tell us a bit about yourself: What are your passions, work and interests?

My passion above all passions is helping others.  This takes many forms, but my greatest love in helping others is in the area of health and fitness.  My initial exposure to this line of work was with the elderly.  I worked in nursing homes, taking care of the sweetest of people in the final stages of life.  I loved listening to them tell stories while I cared for their physical and social needs.  I would have to help them move and encourage them to get their exercise whenever possible.  Some had so greatly neglected this part of their health for so many years that they could not move their joints and had horrible muscle atrophy.  While I loved the people I worked with, I felt that this wasn't my calling, and I sought to determine where God wanted me to be.

I next worked with children in the hospital setting.  As a patient care tech and phlebotomist, I worked with the greatest kids.  From newborns to young adults, I saw kids suffering from all kinds of ailments, some even lost their battles with illness.  I worked hard to make their time in the hospital as comfortable as it could be, building relationships and sharing smiles, I knew that this work was important and very rewarding, but God wasn't through with me yet.

Fast forward several years.  I now have two children, a husband, and a new outlook on a lifelong passion.  I now work as a health and fitness coach, teaching people the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  This started first with me.  I have made very intentional changes in my personal health and fitness habits, to facilitate the changes in me that I am encouraging others to make.  This has allowed me to greater understand the struggles that exist in going against the flow of society and its outlook on food, drink, and exercise.  I gain so much joy from helping others and seeing their lives transformed from making simple changes to their daily routines.  I have made so many new friends and feel an absolute sense of certainty that I am living out God's will and plan for my life.  The health message is a message of hope and one that is empowering.  At this point in life I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing.


What does intentionality in health look like and mean to you?

One of the first areas of intentionality that I address with people is meal planning and goal setting.  So many people look at health and fitness as short term diet binges to reach small, insignificant goals.  I look at health as a lifestyle.  When we take a look at it from a wider view, we can create much bigger longterm goals that can be accomplished one small goal at a time.  It all starts with understanding and establishing your "Why." The temptations and social trends are too strong and conflicting to the health message to just go at this willy nilly.  You have to understand why you would choose to live andintentionally healthful lifestyle, internalize it, own it, and then align your life with this as the current that drives all of your decisions.  It's really not so difficult on paper and in our heads we can understand this very easily.  Day by day living can be much more challenging though.  That's where the planning comes in.  Once you know why you need to make the choices that you're going to make, the motivation is much easier to come by and planning to succeed will become a regular part of your routine.  For example, I know that there are very few places out there where my family and I can eat out when we're on the road, so we always pack healthy food and take it with us.  This helps avoid having to make the uncomfortable decision to go against our commitment to health and eat somewhere that compromises what we know to be best.  On the same token, everyday life is so busy that many people just don't want to take time to fix healthy home cooked meals.  However, intentional healthy eating requires that we do what needs to be done to eat healthy in our homes.  This simply means planning out your meals for the week and doing the shopping and chopping on the weekends.  Having the majority of the prep work done ahead of time makes all the difference in finding success with healthy living during busy workweeks.

The second piece of the health puzzle is exercise.  I have to take time to exercise.  It is part of my daily routine just like brushing my teeth and doing daily devotions.  It's something that is pretty much non-negotiable.  With this mindset, it's not about "finding time" to exercise, it's about "making time" to exercise by scheduling it into your day.  I do short intense workouts that are designed to give me the greatest benefits in the least amount of time and I teach my clients how they can do the same and have great success in reaching their fitness goals.  We waste so much time doing sedentary activities that serve no purpose in improving our quality of life.  An intentional adjustment to make exercise a part of our day will have drastic positive effect on the life that you live. 

health | | unsplash

In your work with coaching, what would you say are the negative effects of not being mindful about what one consumes?

Bad eating habits will sabotage even the most intense fitness plans.  People gain weight and get frustrated very easily, giving up on their goals and losing sight of their "Why", because they can't manage what they put into their bodies.  This is tragic in my eyes.  Eating clean and healthy is so very simple and it's the easiest way to start the momentum towards a healthful life.


How does intentionality in this area affect the other the rest of your life?

I have gained so much confidence in who I am as a person through my intentional decisions to care for my body and the health of my family.  I feel stronger because I am stronger.  I am healthier inside which brings the natural affect of looking better on the outside.  We are beautifully and wonderfully made, and as we care for our bodies, we can come closer to the health and strength within our bodies that God intended for us all along.  I also find it so easy to make friends now.  Everyone loves to talk about their health, good foods, and how they can improve on both, that conversation comes very easily and I am eager to share my loves with others.


What would say to encourage someone who is struggling in the area of intentional health in their life? 

Start small.  Set a short goal that you know you can succeed at in the area of your health.  Do this day after day, until days become weeks.  Baby steps will get it done.  The other thing is to start with a reason and purpose for making the changes that seem to be alluding you.  If you start with a big enough "why" (reason) for improving your health and making the changes that need to take place, holding yourself accountable is much easier.  Also, get an accountability partner of group!  I put all of my clients into accountability groups, surrounding them with others who are working at the same goals they are.  I work as their coach, but they lift each other up as well.  Finally, I would say, don't quit, don't beat yourself up over an indiscretion here and there.  This is a long road, a journey, not a sprint quick fix.  Stay the course, knowing that there will be moments that challenge you.

What about you? Were you inspired by this post? Are you intentional when it comes to your physical health? Do you perhaps want to work on it? Why don't you tell me about it in the comments, and connect with me on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)


Women of Intention Week Two: Intentional Eating

Women of Intention, HealthAmanda Walter | Maple Alps22 Comments

Welcome to week two of the series, Women of Intention! Over the next fifteen weeks, Maple Alps will feature a woman who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. We are all so glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

Women of Intention Week 2 Intentional Eating

This week's Intentional Woman:

Today we meet Mandi from Nosh and Nurture: a mama-to-be with a passion for nutrition!

I am so excited to share her interview with all of you today! She will be sharing her thoughts and experience living and maintaining a life of intentional health, specifically regarding what we eat. 

Once you're done reading, be sure to not only check out her blog, but share your thoughts (and if you want, the post too!).

Find Mandi on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.


Tell us a bit about yourself: What are you passions, work and interests?

I adore travel! My biggest passion is just seeking new adventures with my husband and seeing the beautiful world God created. I also love cooking, helping people lead healthier lives and reading real books and magazines. My work is also a passion of mine. I am a professional journalist and a certified nutritionist. By day I am the managing editor for Basic Magazine, and nights and weekends I am running my nutrition business N³ and my blog, where I help clients and readers create healthy, well rounded lives through food, fitness and overall wellness.


As someone who didn’t always eat a healthy diet, and as a personal nutritionist, how have you seen the negative effects of not being intentional about what we eat?

The learning process has been amazingly eye opening and astonishing to me. I think the biggest shocker was that I thought I did always eat healthy. I was never a soda drinker or fast food eater, but what I once thought was healthy, when I really went back and read the labels, I realized how clueless I was. It's become a mission of mine to not only tell people what they should be eating, but TEACH them how to research what's really in their food and dig deeper to learn about the food industry in America. Because, it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Far from it, and it's up to us to be proactive and keep a healthy food source available to our children and grandchildren.

Intentional Eating Fresh Orange Juice Maple Alps

I love how on your blog you talk about clean eating as a way of serving God. How does this translate into being intentional about what you eat and put into your body?

When I got sick in 2011, and my body started to break down before I even hit thirty, the only person I could turn to was God. Inflammation, pain, allergies, anxiety and extreme fatigue took me down when I was just a newlywed and I fell to my knees crying to Him many times as I was passed from Dr. to Dr. being prescribed medication I didn't want to take and felt I shouldn't take. God led me to answers I never would have thought to seek on my own. Natural remedies, supplements, naturopaths and healthy food options that reversed SO many of my symptoms. His blessings gave me my life back, I owe Him my life and in that I honour Him through taking care of this body. And I hope to encourage others to do the same.


How else does your mindfulness translate into your every-day activities and work?

I start my day intentionally by sitting at the breakfast table before turning on the computer or my phone and I do my devotions. I pray over my food and all I'm thankful for. I give Him my day and my work. I pray over my husband, those on my prayer list and our soon to be baby and it helps me focus my "why" on Him each day. My blog came from His path for me, my background before getting sick was very different. I was a touring pop recording artist with a record deal and just not living a healthy lifestyle. He's led me to so much better, His dreams became my new dreams and I adore this path and helping others find their health.


What would you say to encourage someone who is struggling with intentionality in this area of their life?

That it's all about baby steps. That there are days I still struggle or forget who to look to. It's in our nature, we are human. Extend to yourself grace, and keep a journal. Keeping a journal or a planner helps to keep me organized and reminds me when I get off track. Take time in your day, even if it's 10 minutes to try to connect to your why. Be it through prayer, meditation, or taking a quick walk just to center yourself and find quiet to refresh.

What about you? Do you eat, or strive to eat intentionally? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, or connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)

5 Reasons to Bake Your Own Bread + Easy Recipes

Recipes, HealthAmanda Walter | Maple Alps12 Comments

Bread. Bread is a true staple in our home. There's hardly a time when our bread box is empty or void of it.

We love bread.

What I love even more than eating bread is making it. A lot of people have asked me why I bother taking the time to make our bread when the grocery stores have walls lined of the stuff, so I thought I would clarify that here. Ready?

(Post updated June 2019.) 

5 Reasons I Don't Buy Bread + Easy Recipes |

Making Bread is Really Satisfying

There's just something about starting a dough, kneading it (when i use a recipe that requires kneading), and baking it. The best part for me is when the timer beeps and I take it out. I'm not going to lie - I look at it and marvel for a little bit! Eating it after all of that is that much more satisfying.

I Decide What Goes In & What Stays Out

That means there are no extra preservatives added, and I feel good when I choose to use wholesome ingredients. Of course, this means it doesn’t last on the counter quite as long, but that’s why the freezer exists, right?

Making Bread is Inexpensive

This is actually the main reason I started making bread! The cost is so low, that you can afford using wholesome, healthy, organic ingredients. I seriously wish I could grow the wheat and grind it myself!

Related: Eating Cleaner on a Budget

It's Easy!

Making bread isn't hard at all. Super easy, as you are about to see. I don't even use a bread maker! All you need is an oven and a pan - best would be a cast iron pot (dutch oven)! I love mine! 

It Smells Great

Who doesn't love the smell of fresh baking bread? If you know someone who doesn’t, please, I need to meet them! Fresh baked anything makes the entire house smell amazing! 


Sold yet? I love making bread! Here are a few of my favourite recipes to use. Try them out, and let me know how it turns out for you! Do you make your own bread? Would love to hear about your experiences in the comment section below!

Why I make my own bread plus an easy recipe!