Maple Alps


Traveling with Two Under Two: Tips and Tricks for Stress-Free Family Travel

Parenthood, TravelAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Traveling is a rewarding and enriching experience that opens up a world of discovery and learning for both adults and young ones alike. But what happens when you're planning a trip with not one but two little adventurers under the age of two? Fear not, wanderlust-filled parents, for we've got your back! I never thought traveling would end when we had kids, but I also never imagined how overwhelming it could be - and how fun! We traveled a lot when Baby Z was little, but how we traveled changed a bit once we added Baby E to the mix. Today, I’ll share some invaluable tips and tricks to make your family travel with two under two smooth and enjoyable.

Embrace the Art of Packing

Packing is an art, especially when it involves two tiny humans with their own mini-wardrobes and necessities. Opt for versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched, and don't forget those adorable onesies that are as practical as they are cute. Roll up outfits to save space and use packing cubes to keep items organized (this way, your partner can jump in to help without wondering where things are too). Also, remember that many destinations have stores where you can pick up last-minute essentials, so resist the urge to pack the entire nursery! The good thing is that baby clothes don’t take up a ton of space, so you can feel prepared without taking up too much extra luggage room.

Prioritize Comfort in Accommodation

Choosing the right accommodation can make all the difference. Look for family-friendly options with amenities like kitchenettes, separate sleeping areas, and cribs. An Airbnb or vacation rental might provide the comforts of home while allowing your little ones to nap and sleep peacefully.

Plan Around Their Schedule

Traveling with two under two means you're working around nap times and feeding schedules. Consider booking flights or planning activities during their natural downtime to minimize meltdowns and maximize enjoyment for everyone. It may be a pain, but it will pay off.

Bring a Piece of Home

Familiarity can soothe even the youngest of travelers. Pack a few of their favorite toys, blankets, or bedtime books to create a sense of home wherever you go. These cherished items can provide comfort during unfamiliar moments.

Pack a First Aid Kit and Essentials

Little ones are prone to minor scrapes, bruises, and tummy troubles. Don't leave home without a well-stocked first aid kit containing essentials like band-aids, baby pain reliever, and any prescribed medications. It's also wise to have a supply of diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes readily available for unexpected mishaps.

Use Lightweight Travel Gear

Invest in lightweight, compact travel gear that caters to the needs of your family. A lightweight stroller that's easy to fold and maneuver can be a lifesaver during sightseeing adventures (we LOVE this one that fits in the overhead bin in the plane). Baby carriers can also be a great hands-free option for exploring more rugged terrain.

Related: Must-Have Travel Gear for Babies

Capture the Moments

Time flies, and little ones grow up faster than we'd like. Make sure to capture the special moments of your journey through photographs and videos. These memories will become cherished treasures as your children grow older.

Stay Flexible and Patient

While meticulous planning is essential, flexibility is key when traveling with young children. Plans might change, and routines might be disrupted, and that's okay. Approach each day with patience and a positive attitude, and you'll create lasting memories for your family. And don’t try to cram your itinerary with activities. Choose one or two - you’ll have more fun without the stress of getting to the next thing.

Traveling with two under two might sound like a daunting adventure, but with the right approach and a dash of preparation, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. By embracing the art of packing, prioritizing comfort, planning around schedules, and staying patient, you'll create cherished memories and instill a love for exploration in your little ones from an early age!

Dealing with Jet Lag

TravelAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

It is no secret that we love to travel, and do so often. Of course, with so much travel comes certain side effects - one of those being jet lag. What is jet lag? Well, according to medicine net,

Jet lag, also called desynchronosis and flight fatigue, is a temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of air travel across multiple time zones. It is considered a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, which is a disruption of the internal circadian clock.”

The flight fatigue is real, friends - especially when traveling East (there’s a saying, “West is best and East is beast” and it’s totally true since extending your day is usually easier than shortening it).

Here are a few ways we’ve dealt with jet lag that we have found help over the years.

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Dealing with Jet Lag |


If you think of it, it’s a good idea to prepare for your trip. Going to bed an hour or two earlier or later (depending on which direction you’re going) to start prepping your body can help ease the symptoms of jet lag.

Get a good night’s sleep

Be sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before you leave. Trust me: it will work wonders. And if you have an early flight? Plan ahead so you can go to bed early! 

Try arriving during the day and jump into the new time zone

Arriving during the day is so so helpful with jet lag. Jump into the new time zone (kind of like jumping into a cold lake - a shock at first, but you’ll get used to it). If you can arrive during the day, and stay awake until bedtime, you’ll have a bit of an easier time getting up the next day - even if it’s a little wacky.

Avoid Caffeine

Especially if you don’t normally consume it. Caffeine will give you some energy initially, but the stimulation is followed by a drop in blood sugar, which can actually rob your body of energy reserves.

Drink lots of water

Instead of drinking caffeine or alcohol, keep hydrated by sipping on water during your flight. Packing a (light and empty) water bottle with you will help you with this! An insulated one (like this one) will keep your water fresh and cool. You should also eat light since food is harder to digest at higher altitudes.

Try Melatonin, if necessary

While melatonin does not decrease the amount of time you may suffer from jet lag, it can aid you in falling asleep if you need some extra help. You will not need a large amount. 

Use earplugs, headphones, and eye masks

If you have an overnight flight, and to avoid early sunlight, make sure you take a sleep eye mask with you. If noise bothers you, use earplugs or headphones. 

Take it easy the first few days 

Don’t plan too much the first few days of your trip. Take it easy and do some light sight-seeing rather than...I don’t know...climbing a mountain. 

What are some of the ways you deal with jet lag? Let us know below in the comments!

Going Plant-Based? Here are 15 Things to Think About

HealthAmanda Walter | Maple Alps5 Comments

Different individuals want to go plant-based for different reasons. Some are told by a medical professional to do so, others just want to because they see the benefit (or saw too many documentaries). Whatever your decision, it’s important to note that going plant-based should not be seen as a diet. It is a lifestyle that will greatly improve your wellbeing and life!

Several times this past year I’ve been asked about how I went about going on a plant-based diet, and so I decided to share some tips on the blog. My plant based journey started for health reasons, and as I learned more and saw the benefits, I kept adding to the list. Ethical reasons, for example, were not something I originally thought of, but now is something I strongly advocate for. I feel satisfied with what I eat, because choosing a plant based diet has really forced me to be intentional about what I put in my body.

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Going Plant-Based? Here are 15 Things to Think About |


Motivation & Commitment

Remember your motivation for wanting to start a plant-based diet. Do you want to make healthier choices? Lose weight? Have more energy to accomplish your daily tasks? Live longer? Save animals? Remember your why!


Eat A Lot

Fresh plant-based food has a lot less caloric density than foods filled with empty and fatty [the bad kind] calories. Expect to want to eat a lot. I remember first transitioning and wondering why I was eating double the food, but losing weight.


Fill Your Fridge & Pantry with Healthy Food

It’s harder to eat unhealthy foods when your home is stocked with the good stuff! Purge your pantry and refrigerator and don’t feel guilty about tossing the food that is of little to no benefit for your body! If you’re thinking about money, think of it this way: a doctor bill in the USA will cost more than it costed for your junk food! A note: many products out there marketed for those on a plant-based diet are more or less “vegan junk food.” Be sure to read labels to ensure you’re getting nutritious foods - not just unhealthy alternatives to products that normally contain animal products. More on that later in this post.



Focus on Vegetables & Fruits - & Don’t Forget: Legumes Are Your friends.

Stock up on vegetables and fruits (bonus points if it’s all mostly in season!). Legumes are filling and so delicious! Best part? No nutrition labels to read! Try to avoid having to read them by getting foods that do not have a nutrition label (ideas: fresh produce, bulk beans and rices, etc.)


Make Food Swaps

Avocado on toast instead of butter or cream cheese, tofu instead of chicken, water instead of sugary drinks; there are plenty of easy food swaps to make your new plant-based diet doable


Take Food on the Go

We live in a time where we are always on the go. Eliminate the temptation to eat junk food or fast food by making sure to have wholesome snacks with you. Keep almonds in your bag and pack your own lunch - it’s not as hard as you might think! If you’re like me, using pretty, waste-free food storage containers might motivate you more!


Start One Meal at a Time

Eating plant-based is more than a diet. It is an entire lifestyle change. Ease into by starting with just one meal a day being completely plant-based. A good one to start with is breakfast. It’s so easy to make vegan pancakes, smoothies, granolas, muffins, and other great breakfast foods. Gradually add a plant-based afternoon meal, and you’ll soon find it is easy to have all of your meals completely free of animal products.



Get Educated and Get Resourceful

Watch documentaries, read books, talk with nutrition professionals. Just a few of my favorite resources: The Cheese Trap (book - get it here on Amazon), Forks Over Knives (documentary, cookbook, magazine, website), What the Health (documentary), How Not to Die (book - get on Amazon)


Get a Support Group/Friend

Everything is easier when you have someone supporting you or keeping you accountable. Enter the journey with a friend, or have your best cheerleader support you along the way. Have someone to report to if you need accountability. Maybe enlist someone to be your guinea pig for all the tasty recipes you’ll be whipping up.


But Start Your Change Quietly

Instead of telling everyone you know about your decision, you may want to start quietly. To be frank, you will avoid a lot of scrutiny and questioning as you answer these questions for yourself and figure out how to listen to your own body and deal with your own addictions (mine was cheese!). Focus on yourself and your mission. Remember your why and think about how much better you will feel.


Equip your Kitchen

Some plant-based foods require different kitchen tools. For example, you’ll likely scarcely use steak knives, but you’ll definitely need a high powered blender (definitely a kitchen essential)


Don’t Worry About the Protein

Those on a plant-based diet get plenty of protein. Unless you have an extreme medical condition, you do not need protein shakes to get it. Great sources of protein include beans, soy products like seitan and tofu, quinoa, hemp seeds and even nuts. Chances are, you’ll get more protein than those who are concerned about you getting that protein.


Keep Things Exciting

Try new foods and prepare ingredients in different ways. Blend flavors, experiment, and have fun! Start a dinner club. Buy a cookbook or two. Browse recipes on the web. Test out restaurants. There are also a ton of ethnic foods that are plant based and wholesome! Just have a blast trying out new things.


Be Mindful: Read Food Labels

This may shock you at first - especially if you were not in the habit of reading food labels. The first thing to look at is not the nutritional value, but the ingredient list. You may be surprised about what exactly is lurking in your favourite vegan snacks, but you will start feeling good about others! Remember: aim for have to read as few food labels as possible by buying whole foods that don’t require them!


Be Kind to Yourself

Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up. You’re human. Just get back up, dust yourself off and try again! And again(!) if need be.



Some Recipes to Get You Started:


Tricks For Minimalist Packing

TravelAmanda Walter | Maple Alps6 Comments

It is no secret that I love to travel. After spending years abroad, moving every year consecutively, and travelling a ton, I’ve come to appreciate being able to travel without all the heavy baggage. I’ve talked about how I figured out that I could live a year on everything that fits in two suitcases, and I’ve also figured out that I can travel for a week or more with everything I can fit into a carry-on bag. It is such a liberating feeling walking around with the bare minimum and still having a great time - if you’ve experienced it, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I had an opportunity for readers to suggest blog topics, and minimalist travelling came up, so this post is for you! Here are some of my tips to enjoy a minimalist travel experience. Fair warning: I am incredibly low maintenance. I don’t wear makeup, and I can wear the same shoes all season long, every single day. As long as I don’t stink, and look more or less put together (I do have hot mess days), I’m satisfied. The good news is that you can make what I will be sharing work for you! Minimalism looks different for everyone.

I’ll explain a little at first, but if you don’t want to do allllllll the reading, scroll down to the bottom for a simple packing list.

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Tricks For Minimalist Packing |


Pack only necessities

Do not, and I repeat, do not bring something just for the sake of having it. Make sure you absolutely need it. This even applies to your wallet! The only things that need to be in your [tiny] wallet are your credit/debit cards (+ an emergency card just in case), your ID, and some cash is good to have. Gift cards to stores you won’t be at don’t need to come. Neither does your library card, other membership cards, or the picture of your boyfriend - you have your phone for that. *wink



Depending on where you’re going and what you’re doing, you might be able to eliminate a lot of toiletries! You really do not need to be lugging around a hair dryer, straightener AND a curling iron when you’re backpacking across Europe or visiting a friend for the weekend (chances are they have a hairdryer too…) Take only what you need, and take only small amounts of it. You can buy these amazing travel sized bottles to refill your favourite products that may not come in smaller sizes. The travel-sized aisle in Target is amazing - but don’t go overboard (note: though the folding toothbrushes are great, I do opt to bring my bamboo toothbrush everywhere I go [get your own here!]). I will advocate for one amazing piece of travel-sized bliss, however: this amazing razor (since shorts are lighter than pants, right? Haha).


Versatile, Versatile, Versatile!

Make sure the items in your bag can be used more than once! If you’re going to a wedding, that may be a different story, but try to get a lot of use out of everything you pack! When it comes to your clothes, make sure the pieces work together in several different ways to stretch out your outfit possibilities without taking more. I usually travel to places where I do have to look more or less presentable. Having pieces that work both casually and can be dressed up is really helpful!


Light, Light, Light!

This is key! The lighter your necessities are, the easier it is to cart them around. Consider your electronics and shoes especially, as those can get heavy. I usually take one pair of closed-toe shoes (and wear them as I travel) and pack sandals depending on where I’m going and what I’ll be doing. If I travel by plane with a carry-on, I pack a small lightweight bag for day trips.


Don’t pack more than a week’s worth of clothing

If you’re staying longer than a week, that’s okay. Take some quarters for the laundromat, or ask your host if you can borrow their washer. Worst case, use a sink. I’ve done it, you can too. Pack fabrics that dry easily when you choose the hand washing method. I do take 7 pairs of underwear though, despite seeing many people who suggest only 3 or 4 and washing them every day. I just like fresh underwear to last as long as possible, haha. Honestly, no one is going to be bothered if you pack 6 pieces of clothing to wear. They won’t notice!


Quality is important

Herein lies the key! I never knew how important quality was until I stopped looking at the price tag and started looking at pieces that will last. This is especially important for things you’ll be using a lot like shoes and water bottles.


Comfort vs. Luxury

You want to be comfortable! Walking around everywhere for a week is not going to be fun in your highest cutest wedges! You'll also want to be sure to wear comfortable clothing for the same reason. Yes, you will be travelling and there is no reason you shouldn't be able to use everyday items as normal (to be comfortable!), but think about the things you could probably do without. 


Choose Luggage Carefully

Make sure you get quality luggage that is appropriate for your minimalist trip. A backpack might be sufficient for you. I personally like having a carry on size piece with wheels, because it makes getting around airports and train stations easy for me. I do pack a small backpack in this though, for day trips when I don't have to take everything with me. Packing cubes (I like these ones from Amazon) are also really helpful with packing minimal amounts - if they are in your budget.



My Basic Travel Necessities:


  • large scarf (perfect for the plane!)

  • 3 tops

  • 2 bottoms

  • 1 dress/skirt (the trick is to make sure they all go together to maximize outfit possibilities and that they are lightweight - easy to wash/dry)

  • 1 or 2 pyjama

  • undergarments (2 bras + 5-7 pair underwear),

  • bathing suit if needed

  • jacket/hoodie

  • shoes (sneakers + sandals - again depends on what I’ll be doing)

  • socks (2-3 pairs)

*these will get you by nicely, but consider the following: commit to doing laundry of some sort, add or subtract depending on the length of your stay, consider sticking to one colour palette, and there really is no need to go out and buy something new. Choose from what you already own - you might be surprised at what is in your own closet :) 

Toiletries (travel sized!):

  • bar soap

  • Mini razor (seriously life-changing!)

  • toothbrush/toothpaste

  • deodorant

  • shampoo/conditioner (may be optional depending on where you’re going!),

  • divacup

  • Body lotion

  • chapstick

Other Toiletries:

  • Contact solution (travel sized, of course)

  • Glasses

  • Any medication

  • Hand Sanitizer/sanitizing wipes

  • Tweezers

  • Nail Clippers

  • A couple band-aids (these come in handy!)

  • Peppermint Essential Oil (good for headaches and motion sickness!)

  • I don't wear makeup, but you might - choose only essentials


  • Computer or Tablet

  • Phone

  • Earbuds/headphones

  • Fitbit or Watch

  • Any charging cords (if two devices use the same cord, only take one)

  • Camera (next level: just use your phone!)


  • Water Bottle (this will save you so much money!)

  • Minimalist Wallet - only the essentials: passport, credit cards, cash

  • Microfiber Towel (lighter and dries quickly but optional depending on where you’re going)

  • Earplugs (optional)

  • Extra reusable bag (good for laundry, etc.)

  • Packable daypack (so you aren't carting your carry on everywhere)

  • I always bring a small Bible, but you could use your phone app


What are your packing essentials?


Gathering with Intention and Simplicity

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps9 Comments

Growing up, our family had an open door policy. This means that anybody could come and be with us in our home whenever they wanted - and they would be treated like family. Nothing was off limits. Thanksgiving, Christmas, any and every long weekend holiday - anyone could come. This hasn’t changed. Now that I’ve moved away, I still hear about who came to what dinner or spent the night and it always is fun and surprising to hear about.

A year ago or so, we really tried to be intentional about having more people over to our home, but life gets so busy. This is true for anyone. There’s an increasing trend of being so busy with what we do in life, that we tend to neglect those we do life with. It seems that the art of hospitality is getting lost.


Related: The Myths and the Calling of True Hospitality


Relationships are so important. A few weeks ago on Instagram, I asked you to share some topics you would like to see on the blog. A few people mentioned the theme of hospitality and hosting others. Today I wanted to share with you how to host with intention and simplicity. These are some easy steps we took that worked for us when we decided to be intentional about sharing our home and showing hospitality to others.  I think it’s a very important thing to gather together to encourage one another, so I hope these tips help you as much as they helped us!

Gathering with Intention and Simplicity | Hosting Made Easy |



Write down some names

Write down the names of some people you would like to reach out to. Those you would like to get to know more, those who are going through a hard time and need ministering to, those who come to mind when you sit down to write down names. Pray about and over your list. I want to encourage you not to just think of your friends or those who can invite you back over. This should not be the purpose of your visits.


Find a reoccurring day in your schedule that always works for having some company over and start making phone calls.

For us, weekends are almost impossible to have people over, so we chose one day (sometimes two) during the week to have people over. Maybe the weekends work best for your schedule - that’s great. Block that time off and start calling the people on your list. Fill in the slots, week by week (or month by month depending on how often the schedule you set allotted for). We aim for twice a month. 


Don’t focus on a fancy meal

Make sure you have asked about food allergies or sensitivities before planning your meal. People will feel most at ease with an easy, light, healthy meal. There is no need to be formal when you are wanting to focus on relationships. The point of this practice is to touch hearts with warmness, not impress them with your cooking skills (though I’m sure yours are great too).


Make your home inviting

While every surface does not have to sparkle, your home should be tidy and neat. No one truly likes a dirty place. Light a candle or pick up some fresh blooms from the grocery store (or from your garden). Make sure any table linens you use are clean. You can even use cloth napkins (We do, but that’s because we don’t have any paper ones)! Serve your simple meal in pretty dishes rather than straight from the pot. Little touches like these will make your home even more inviting. Fun tip: if it's warm enough and if you have outdoor furniture and sufficient shade, sitting outside is a great idea!


Related: True Hospitality Made Practical: Three Easy Tips

Gathering with Intention and Simplicity | Hosting Made Easy |


Worry about souls, not table spreads

Make sure your conversation also has a purpose. Be encouraging, not critical. Be kind about everyone you speak of. Listen carefully and be interested in what your guests say. Help them feel at ease during their stay and offer a prayer for them before they leave.


Remember that they are there to visit with you, not your house

There is no need to be stuck in the kitchen all day. There is no reason to slave over polishing every corner of your house (or every piece of silverware) for their arrival. Your guests love you and they love your authenticity. They will appreciate the simpleness and ease in which you present your hospitality.

Relationships are so important! Gather with intention!

Do you gather with intention? Tell me about it below!