Maple Alps


8 Activities to do on a Rainy Day to Relax and Rejuvenate

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

I just love rainy days. I wrote a blog post earlier this month about enjoying rainy days with toddlers, but if you are so lucky to enjoy a cozy day with precipitation without the pitter-patter of toddler feet around you, this one is for you! So, grab your coziest sweater, brew a cup of your favorite tea, and let's explore the enchanting world of rainy-day activities that will warm your heart.

Go Outside! Put on your coziest raincoat and venture into the world outside. Rain-soaked streets and glistening leaves offer a unique charm that's often overlooked. Take a leisurely stroll, breathe in the air, and relish the simple pleasure of being present in the moment.

Craft to Your Heart’s Content. Time to bring out your creative spirit inside! How about finally completing that scrapbooking project you started ages ago or trying your hand at watercolor painting? The pitter-patter of rain on the window can provide the perfect ambiance for nurturing your artistic side.

Culinary Adventures Await. Rainy days and comfort food are a match made in heaven. Whip up a batch of homemade soup, or bake some bread or a decadent cake. The aroma of your kitchen creations will fill the air, spreading warmth and joy throughout your home.

Read and Rejoice. Remember those unread books sitting on your shelf, patiently waiting for their moment to shine? Well, it's their time to shine! Curl up in your favorite reading nook, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, and dive into a captivating story. The gentle sound of rain outside will transport you to new worlds.

Spa Indulgence. Rainy days are a great excuse to slow down and pamper yourself. Fill up your bathtub with aromatic oils, light some scented candles, and treat yourself to a spa day at home. Let the raindrops outside set the soothing rhythm for your relaxation.

Write Your Heart Out. Rain has a way of stirring emotions and inspiring introspection. Grab your journal or open a blank document on your computer, and let your thoughts flow like raindrops. Writing can be incredibly therapeutic, whether it's poetry, a short story, or simply jotting down your feelings.

Movie Marathon Magic. Remember all those classic movies you've been meaning to rewatch? A rainy day is the perfect excuse for a movie marathon. Create a cozy movie-watching corner complete with soft blankets and pillows, pop some popcorn, and lose yourself in a cinematic adventure.

Greenery and Growth. Rain is the lifeblood of nature, and what better time to tend to your indoor plants or start a new gardening project? The rain outside will be a gentle reminder of the nourishment your plants are receiving, and watching them thrive will fill you with a sense of accomplishment.

Isn't it a delightful revelation that a rainy day is not a day to dread but rather a chance to embrace life's gentler side? I believe that each day – sunny or rainy – is an opportunity to savor life's beautiful nuances. So, the next time the heavens bless us with rain, remember that you hold the key to a treasure trove of cozy, creative, and heartwarming experiences. Until then, may your spirits stay high, and your teacups stay warm!

What do you like to do when it’s raining outside?

Embracing Rainy Days with Toddlers: Fun Adventures Indoors (Or Out!)

Parenthood, LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Rainy days might seem challenging when you have little ones running around, but they can also be the perfect opportunity for creating memorable indoor (or outdoor!) adventures. Instead of letting the rain dampen your spirits, why not turn it into a day of cozy bonding and imaginative play? Every day is a chance for a new adventure, rain or shine. 

Crafty Creations 

Rainy days are made for creativity! Gather some art supplies and begin crafting with your little artists. Finger painting, making collages, or even just scribbling with crayons can ignite their imagination and keep them engaged for hours. Plus, you'll end up with some adorable masterpieces to hang on the wall.

Indoor Picnic

Transform your living room into a cozy picnic spot. Lay out a blanket, pack a basket full of toddler-friendly snacks, and have an indoor picnic. Your little ones will love the novelty of eating in a different spot, and you can even throw in some storytelling or sing-along time to make it extra special.

Sensory Play

Sensory play is a fantastic way to engage your children's senses and promote their development. Set up a sensory bin with materials like rice, pasta, or water. Let them explore different textures, shapes, and colors. This hands-on play is not only entertaining but also educational.

Storybook Adventures

Rainy days provide the perfect backdrop for diving into a world of stories. Create a cozy reading corner with pillows and blankets. Choose a stack of their favorite books and let your little ones choose the story they want to hear. You can even add some props or puppets to make the tales come alive!

Dance Party

Turn up the music and have a dance party right in your living room. Toddlers love moving to the beat, and it's a fantastic way to get their energy out while having a blast. Join in on the fun and show off your best dance moves – they'll love seeing you let loose!

Building Forts

Building forts is a classic rainy-day activity that never gets old. Use blankets, pillows, and chairs to create an imaginative hideout. You can have a tea party inside the fort, read stories, or simply have a cozy naptime retreat.

Baking Together

Whipping up a batch of cookies or muffins is a delightful way to spend a rainy afternoon. Let your little ones help with simple tasks like pouring ingredients, stirring, and decorating. The process might get messy, but the memories you create will be priceless.

Puddle Jumping (Indoors!)

Who says you can't go puddle jumping on a rainy day indoors? Lay down towels or a waterproof mat, put on rain boots, and let your kids jump and splash to their heart's content. It's a fun way to enjoy the rainy weather without actually getting wet.

Just Get Outside

Rain doesn’t have to hinder you from going outside! Dress them up warmly and take the littles for a short stroll around the neighborhood or just around the block! Let them play in the puddles, use an umbrella, or put a rain cover on the stroller and watch their amazement as they watch the droplets of water land on it. 

Rainy days don't have to be frustrating when you have littles running around. With some creativity and inspiration, you can turn them into wonderful opportunities for bonding, play, and exploration. Remember, the small moments and imaginative adventures make these days truly special. So, the next time the rain starts to fall, embrace it as a chance to create magical memories with your little ones right in your home. Until next time, stay cozy and keep exploring!

What do you like to do with your little ones when it’s raining outside?